Making A Dent

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-Prompto POV-

"Ignis! We're you even listening?" Noct yelled out to Iggy as he kept walking while we huddled and started a scheme.

We all looked towards him just in time to see him walk right into a tree. We all immediately bursted out into gut wrenching laughter.

"You guys find that humourous?" Iggy asked trying to cool us, but only doing the opposite.

After a long time of laughing we cooled enough to kill off a herd of varetooth.

"That's what I figured. I'd rather that be it rather than the tree." Noct said jokingly in regards to Ignis's not listening.

We all giggled as he started reexplaining the situation to Iggy.

"Put simply, we are gonna put a dent in the empire..."Noct started causing Ignis to give an used look.

"And how are we going to accomplish that?" His voice had risen slightly out of curiousity.

"That's the fun part." Gladio added for Noct.

"Yeah... fun." I said as my idea of fun was alot different from Gladio's.

"Well..." Noct took back control of the conversation, "as I was saying, we are gonna dent them, in the only way I know how. We're gonna attack another one of their bases." Ignis rose his eyebrows slightly, but his face overall remained the same.

"Which one?" I was surprised that was his only question.

"The Archeole one." He ahhed and then nodded.

"You're... Not asking a question?" Me and Gladio asked in unison.

"Is there one to be asked?" I don't think any of us could believe what we were hearing.

"Who are you, and what did you do with Iggy?" I asked jokingly getting a small smile from him.

"My lips are sealed." He said slyly.

We all just started for a moment before Noct started heading us towards the base. We had done one of these before so it...wasn't difficult? I suddenly started thinking about the nightmare and me. These robot things were technically my family, I was one of them. My heart started beating as we walked up. They're heartless, cold, murderers. They were targeting Noct, my love. We had the same maker, but I definitely won't ever use the term family and robot in the same sentence again. Iggy, Gladio, and Noct were my family.

I shook my head as my heart returned to a normal rate.

"You guys ready?" Noct questioned as we went around the back of the base and entered a hole in the side wall.

"I guess." And with that we took our first steps into the base.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

"Noct, there a good load of them a tad bit forward. Proceed with caution." Ignis whispered so we all could hear.

"Got it." Noct said and warped without warning.

Ignis made a disappointed sigh and then we all drew our weapons and jogged where Noct was. We used multiple link strikes and cross-chains and we took them out somewhat easily.

"I expected more of a fight." Gladio said seething his great sword.

We all hummed in agreement as we put our weapons away too. I took a quick selfie as Noct lead us around the base even more.

My mind started wondering as we walked. When Noct and I did 'stuff', did I feel... 'Weird'? I know I'm not metal like the majority of the magitek soldiers, but looks can be decieving. I always thought I was just human. Maybe I was a fusion like Aranea? I didn't know anything besides the fact I wasn't 'normal', then again, I haven't ever been that really.

I was brought back to Lucis by a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Noct giving me a worried look.

"Y-yes?" I questioned.

"What are you thinking about?" Noct said in a abnormal tone.

"Nothing in particular." I lied, knowing the guys could see right through it.

"Are you su-?"

"Yes! Shut up, I'm fine!" I snapped causing all three of them to distance themselves a little.

Noct took his hand off my shoulder and gulped. He looked forward and started walking without saying another word. I immediately felt a rush if guilt in my gut. He was just trying to make sure I was ok, and I yelled at him.

"Noct... I'm sorry I didnt-"

"It's ok. I get it. You got shit to say, but you don't want whatever it is to affect me, the guys you love apparently. You're really pulling an Iggy here." Iggy hummed reminding Noct of his presents. Noct just looked over his shoulder and gave him a careless cold look.

Iggy looked down as we kept slowly creeping along. The aptmosphere got alot more tense after that short talk. I still felt guilty. I could practically feel all the emotions emit off of Noct. I looked back at Noct Ang Iggy to see both if them looked up tight as well. When Noct wasn't happy, no one was, even me. I let out a sigh, getting zero response from anyone.

"We're covered a majority of this base. There can't be too much left. I'm gonna guess there are two more segments, and then we can consider this base conquered." Noct said monotonely. We all hummed as we mindlessly followed him.

After a good battle, we had finally killed the base's defense and could say our job was done.

Instead of celebrating our victory, we all stood around. I noticed Noct still had a salty aura about him. I cautiously walked over to him. He looked at me with cold eyes. We stared each other down for a while.

"Noct?" He groaned.

"What?" He started walking slowly put of the base.

"What do I have to do?" His cold looked turned into a questioning one.

"What do you mean by that?" We finally left the cold metal building, getting slapped in the face by the darkness.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"What do I have to do..." I put my lips to his ear and started whispering, "to show you how fine I am?" He slightly turned his head to look at me.

I put on my best persuasive look. He visibly gulped, then he looked beyond me at Iggy and Gladio. He twisted in my grip and hugged me back. He gave a quick kiss and a wink before letting me go and proceed to what was becoming our home on wheels, the Regalia.

-To Be Continued-

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