Truely Fearful

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-Iggy POV-

A smile crept upon my lips as I watched Talcott led Noct around the hotel. Seeing the two interact was one of the few things that ellicited that reaction out of myself. I had a similar reaction when Gladio and his younger sister interacted.

After the impromptu tour if the room we could see clearly from the doorway, we all had a group discussion about recent events. The conclusion being our need to meet in Cape Caem for boarding King Regis's boat and setting sail for Altissa. The city was a truely majestic place. If I somehow had gone blind, I would regret not getting the opportunity to see that sight.

We had rested up after discussing transportation, then we parted ways in the morning. Noct had decided to give me the choice of driving, and I happily obliged. Prompto and Gladio physically relaxed at the realization that I was the one cheaufering the party.

We went to hammerhead, where it rained, to the dismay of Promto and Noct. I myself was quite surprised, it almost never rained here. Gladio had a blank expression aside from the smile that his sister caused.

Noct and Prompto had parted to get out of the rain leaving me and Gladio on our lonesome. I felt tension between us for some odd reason.

"Do you wish to converse?" I asked invitationally as I myself felt a burden on my shoulders.

"Um, sure I guess." He said hesitantly causing me to feel a sudden burst of joy.

I progressed slowly in a random direction and he followed my lead. We ended in the rear of Takka's restaurant, the one Noct had scrambled to.

Before anything was stated, we took a moment to stare each other down. Without thinking I extended my arm and rested my hand on his abdomen. He let out a woah and I quickly retracted my hand back with my eyes widening.

"My sincerest apologies. I should know better then to just reach out like that." He chuckled at my impulsive apologizing.

"Did you hear me complain?" He questioned as he dramatically opened his jacket even more.

I gulped and looked away. He chuckled once more and gently cupped my face, making me look back at him.

"Speak up." He said still holding my face.

I tried looking anywhere but his eyes, but that was difficult because of the placement of his hands.

I cleared my throat and thought for a quick moment before telling him what's going on.

"I presume it's fair to say, seeing that man once again at Galdin Quay put me on edge." He hummed and let go of my face.

I thought he was gonna say something else, but he just stared skeptically at me.

I looked down and turned one of my heels back and fourth. I looked up while still doing the heel thing. I put my right hand on my right hip and continued my thought.

"As I questioned initially; what if he locates me and does it again?" A scared smile appeared on my face and I shook my head as I looked back down to avoid Gladio's stare.

Tears pricked up in my eyes and I feigned a giggle.

As I was breaking down Gladio put his hands on my shoulder. I gave up trying to hold back my tears and just let them fall as I erased my stiff smile.

"He's NOT going to do it again. I've told you already, I'll make sure of it."

"I fear... He has more power than he appears at first glance." My voice cracked as I spoke.

"That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how strong our enemies are, we're a thousand times stronger." A small smile started to appear and I looked up into Gladio's eyes.

His eyes beamed with the same energy they always did. Mine showed the opposite energy. My typical fearless look was replaced with a look that was pure fear.

My tears stopped but my thoughts didn't.

I reached my arms out and slowly hugged him. The hands he had that were simply resting on my shoulder had switched up and he wrapped them around my neck.

I placed my face on his chest and just stayed there enjoying the moment and his uniquely unidentifiable scent. I heard a noise and quickly noted it as the sound of the precipitation halting. I had completely forgotten about it, and honestly couldn't care any less about it. I did have a distaste for the way it made my hair less proper.

I eventually pulled away from the embrace. The figurative weight on my shoulder being decreased though still noteable. Gladio gently rubbed a line back and fourth across my shoulders.

"I'll kill that fuck with my bare hands if I have to." He whispered lowly into my ear.

The small smile I had got bigger and I hugged him again.

This hug was much shorter but just as sweet. I pushed up my glasses and ran a hand through my damp hair. I cleared my throat though it was already clear.

"We'd best go back to Noct." I said looking away from him and at nothing in particular beyond him. He hummed and followed my lead.

I walked us around the building we were behind and towards the entrance. It was the last place I'd seen Noct walk off to, and if he wasn't here alarms would go off.

Fortunately he was there, along with the small stocky blonde that we all had bittersweet, tough love for. I forced my face to go back to the emotionless void it was at default as we walked up to the pair of them.

"Iggy!" Prompto cheered happily like always as he stood up slightly.

Noct grabbed the boy by the arm and pulled him back down before he could bombard me. I quietly thanked Noct for doing so.

Prompto crossed his arms and pouted like the man child he is.

"What was the reason for us coming here?" I questioned as me and Gladio sat down besides the pair.

"To pass the time, I guess." Noct answered shrugging.

I gave him my classic disappointed look. He just rolled his eyes.

We all sat in a comfortable silence. Prompto tapped the table spuratically, Noct glanced between the three of us, Gladio thought of creative ways to absolutely remove my attacker from existence, and I stared at the controlled chaos that was our party.

"We've better thing to do with our time." I stated blankly filling the air.

"Doing what?" I sighed at Noct's question.

"We could be gathering royal tombs, among other things."

"Ah, I guess we could do that." I bit my toungue and rolled my eyes.

I got up from the booth and glanced around. I side eyed the guys and they slowly got up as well.

"Off to get stronger!" I beamed somewhat jokingly as I slowly progressed towards the Regalia.

"Woohoo! Adventure time!" Prompto cheered raising his arms.

I stifled a smile as I hopped in the ole girl with the rest of them.

-To Be Continued-

Final Fantasy XV- Life on the EdgeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora