A/N- No, I Have Not Forgotten About this book

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Hello guys, gals, and everything in between. As the title says, I haven't forgotten about this book. The main reason for the long pause between chapter is me side tracking this book and doing other ones I have. (The other ones mainly being drafted ones I haven't published.) Ive Aldo been doing online school because of covid, I've recently moved from washington to idaho, and also, the wrestling season has started up, so this bitch has been quite a bit busy lol.

I've decided that I want to change the cover of this book, and I was also contemplating changing my username. (The username change I've been holding off on because then I'd have to change all my book covers).

Nothings wrong with this cover, I just found some more fanart to replace the ones shown. Keep it different, ya know?

Oh, also, I forgot to mention this, but I also plan on rewriting/tweaking the first couple chapters in this book. I feel, like I do on most books sadly, that the intro was poorly written and is in dire need of a tweaking.

I don't know how y'all feel about it. Or if y'all care, so that's why I made this A/N. Tell me what you think in the comments. Should I make a new cover? Any story ideas? Any ideas about this book? Do ya just wanna spam my notifications?

Sorry for sounding so robotic, I've got a headache rn and I'm tired, but I'm refusing to sleep cause I'm a dumbass.

Anyway, see y'all on the next update! (If you want to :(  ).

-To Be Continued-

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