Stop Bitching, Start Killing

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-Gladio POV-

"Do we have to walk?" Prompto complained like always as we exited the Regalia.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Iggy looked nervous, Noct looked like he was about to pounce on prompto at any moment, and Prompto himself looked like he was gonna run away. I cleared my throat for whatever reason as we hauled ourselves towards the hunt area. Noct didn't tell me what we were after, but he didn't really need to say anything.

I didn't think the Griffon we were walking towards was about to be ignored. I subconsciously readied myself to grab my weapon. we entered the hunt area and I quickly drew my weapon. No one else seemed too rush happy.

"Guys, what the hell are you doing? There's a beast right there for us to kill!" Ignis gave me a glare.

"And your plan of attack is to rush forth and risk everything over nothing?" Iggy hummed and eyed me up and down.

I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't find anything to argue about. Iggy was right, like always. I sighed in defeat getting a content hum from the dirty-blonde haired man.

"Lemme guess, circle behind?" Noct chimed in as monotone as usual.

"That would be wise."

"Lets do this!" Noct said finally warping at the griffon as it turned it's back.

The warp strike caused the griffon to land on the ground slightly hunched and me and the rest of the guys took no time to go over and attack the beast. Our first round of attacks didn't immediately kill the bird and it started flying again. Noct saw what was happening and warped again, and rinse and repeat. After an unreasonably long time, the beast fell, leaving it's claw and meat for us to make use of.

"That's it!" Iggy said suddenly.

"That's what?" We said already knowing what he was about to say.

"I've come up with a new recipe!" He said with his accent thickening as he said his iconic line.

"I can taste test it for you." I said knowing he would've made me be the taster anyway.

After that very short conversation, Noct led us back to the Regalia and hopped in the driver's seat, to the dismay of an already on edge, Ignis.

"If these beast don't slay us, Noct's driving will." Ignis said with the slightest smile appearing on his lips.

I chuckled at his joke and reached for my book. As I was reading I notice Ignis staring over my shoulder reading as well. We locked eyes and he shot a full smile. I smiled big seeing his and stared at him a little longer. His skin was a golden under Neath the setting sun, and his eyes shimmered a magical green. His features were well defined, yet still so soft. I wanted to make out with his face right here and now, but we had more important stuff to do so I held back. He also had just barely recovered from an attempted assault. I looked away from him finally, gulping and shaking my head of all romantic thoughts for the time being.

"Noct?" I heard Prompto say out of the blue.


"Are we there yet?" I scoffed as Noct let out a chuckle.

"No, Prompto." Prompto went silent for a second before speaking up again.

"How about now?"

"Not, yet."




"No!" All three of us yelled causing Prompto to jump back and look away.

After the rest of the ride being quiet, we finally did arrive were we need be. We had decided to cash in the bounty details to the chef. We hadn't done all of them we signed up for, but it wasn't raining so the big ass frogs weren't out yet.

"Welcome back!" The chef said happily if a little sleepy.

We all sat down and watched as Noct turned the quests in. We were awarded some gil and an accessory that I wasn't listening when we were given and didn't know what it did or was called. Oops, my bad.

"What do we do now?" I asked causing the three of them to stare at me.

Noct hesitated before answering.

"That depends. How are we doing on supplies, specky?" Iggy put his hands on his ching and thought for a minute.

"Well... we have at least five of every resource we've encountered, and we have also accumulated a notable five hundred thousand Gil. I daresay we are set for quite some time." Iggy spoke very matter if factly.

"Noct? What are you hinting at?" Prompto asked with his big blue eyes glimmering with a mixture of excitement and wonder.

"I'm hinting at... We should take some time to explore Lucis for a while. We don't need any more resources, but when your living like us, no amount is too much."

"Ah, said like a true king." Prompto said rather snarkily causing Noct's face to drop.

"What are YOU hinting at?" Noct returned Prompto's attitude while me and Iggy just sat and enjoyed.

"Oh... Nothing." Promto's demeanor softened and he shrunk in his chair. Noct kept staring at him coldly, but shook his head and stood up suddenly.

"Let's head out." Noct stated walking where we all assumed to be the Regalia.

"Where's the destination?" Iggy asked rushed ahead if Noct and jumping in the driver's seat.

Noct laughed at Iggy's desperation to not die in a car crash, and then went in the back without too much bickering.

"We are going... Somewhere." He said not having having a single damn clue.

"Oh yes, I've heard of that place before. It's located in Imbicile Ville just south of Bad Idea Island." Iggy retorted getting laughs out of all of us.

We ended up driving for a while until we ended up by a big field.

"Hey Ignis, pull over for a sec." Noct said getting looks from me and Prompto.

"As you wish." Iggy said pulling us over slowly.

We all got out and Noct stood looking around for a sec.

He pulled out the map and looked at it.

"There's some treasure and a lot of food around here." He said as he tucked the map away again.

"We're gathering some more despite already having a reasonable amount because?" Iggy asked.

"You're the adviser specs, if anything you should be encouraging me to want to get more supplies than we need." Iggy nodded slightly and hummed.

"I hadn't thought of it that way, very unlike me. You are correct. When it comes to curatives, one can never own too many." Noct lightly tapped Iggy's shoulder.

"You get it! Now, let's move along." Noct said jumping off the road and rushing into the field.

-To Be Continued-

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