Productive as Ever

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-Prompto POV-

Noct saying that Ignis knew about our encounters messed with me a little. Ignis confirmed he knew without even saying that he did. Gladio I was pretty sure didn't have a clue. If he knew then he was a really good actor. I never thought of him as one though. An actor that is.

The drive from camp to the galdin quay was awkward and uncomfortable. Because of me and Noct's... bonding it was also a painful trip. I couldn't help but fidget. Gladio tried making the tension in the car less severe by asking how we were doing. My voice came out nervous sounding, I was nervous though so it's what I expected. He pointed out how I didn't sound all good. I averted his worries by throwing Iggy under the bus.

I looked over at Iggy as I told Gladio to focus on him. I was somewhat surprised to see Iggy staring intently at something in front of him. He was stiff as a board, if I didn't know better I would've thought he died.

Gladio noticed the odd status of Ignis and tapped his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Gladio asked with a very noticable concern in his voice. Iggy replied by nodding. He didn't look away from were he was looking or anything. It made the tension in the car go up. I don't even know why it was so tense either, we all were fine just before entering the Regalia.

We made it to the Galdin Quay seconds after Noct had said we were close. Me, Noct, and Gladio all got our of the car.

Me and Noct noticed that Ignis was still staring at nothing and sitting there.

"Iggy?" Noct tried getting a reaction from him, " Iggy? I-Iggy?" Noct voice hitched a little from worry.

"Ignis!" I semi-yelled getting the exact same reaction Noct had gotten, not one at all. Gladio then walked over at the commotion and squeezed in between me and Noct.

He put his hand on Iggy's shoulder like he had earlier.

"Oh Iggy~" He cooed making me smile. Ignis sat back in the seat and then, as if we were in a horror movie, he quickly went from looking a the whatever was infront of him to looking at Gladio. All three of us jumped a little.

"Ah, we have arrived. Let do something productive, shall we?" Ignis suggested taking Gladio's hand off his shoulder and turning to get out of the car.

Oh, yeah, were gonna be productive. I chuckled at the though, knowing damn well we weren't gonna get anything done at all.

"First things first..." Noct started walking towards the pier, "let's go check out the hotel." Ignis face palmed and let out a disappointed sigh.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." I said not wanting to do anything out of laziness and being sore.

"Well then. If all productivity is directed towards those games that you two have a second love for, so be it. I am here to protect you from harm, and the only thing that'll occur from those is a loss of muscle and a gain of fat." Iggy said but we all ignored him after the first sentence.

"It's still early though, what are we gonna even do?" Gladio asked curiously, but not reluctantly as we all strolled along.

"Um..." Noct said rubbing his chin.

"If we aren't going to be productive, then we might as well enjoy not being productive," Iggy stated caving in to us, "there's no point in slacking off if the whole time you can only think about what you should be doing." Noct hummed, and Gladio looked at him mildly surprised.

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