Fluffy... Like a Chocobo Butt Pt. 2

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-Noct POV-

Prompto crawled over to the place he usually slept. I crawled in next to him and just laid there. He stared nervously for a second before relaxing. I opened my mouth to say something, but got cut off by Prompto scooting closer and pulling me into a tight hug.

After the shock from his action faded, I put my arms around him too. I scooted like he did and our legs became comfortably tangled together. He hummed happily and we just laid there silently some more.

I took this opportunity to really study his features. His eyes were currently shut as he was indulging himself in the warmth and comfort of the embrace. I smiled madly at his relaxed features that have been tense all day.

I slowly rose one of my hands to his face and gently carressed his soft cheek. His freckles perfectly went with his overall very pale skin, and his jawline was perfectly defined and gentle at the same time.

I put my lips against his forehead and just left them there. I inhaled his scent. His hair smelt good. It smelt both fruity and nature-esque. Tropical? I think that would be a good word, yeah.

I slowly rose my hand from his cheek to his hair and gently played with it. It was soft and fluffy as it's ever been.

"Your hair is fluffy..." His lips mirrored the smile I had, "...like a Chocobo butt." His smile immediately turned into a pout.

I giggled and rubbed his hair a lot less gently. He squirmed and opened his eyes. He put his hands in my hair in retaliation, but couldn't do anything because my hair was already styled like a mess. A good type of mess, but a mess.

"Nice try, Prompto." I said casually as he gave up trying to mess up my hair.

He crossed his arms and pouted again. This time his pout was accompanied by those eyes. The literally glowing set of blue eyes pierced my heart like a bullet, and it was this moment I realized how much I truly loved this guy right here. No matter what, we were us.

Our moment was cut off by the opening of the tent. I looked over to see Gladio practically carrying Ignis.

"Is he ok?" I asked worriedly. Gladio smirked.

"He's fine, refusive, but fine."

"R-Refusive?" Prompto asked lowly into my chest.

"Yeah, refused to go to sleep, so I am carrying him there myself." Gladio had a proud look on his face.

"Oh, fun." I said back as Gladio slowly set specks down and crawled over to his side of the tent.

"I didn't refuse to do anything..." Ignis mumbled clearly tiredly, "Gladio simply just needed to carry me. He's your shield, but my knight." Gladio got red at Ignis's words.

"Aww, that so cute. Isn't that cute Noct?" Prompto was half asleep in my arms as he asked me. I just hummed and watched as Gladio got even redder.

I yawned as all the days of being sleepless caught up to me. I turned my head back towards Prompto. He curled up into me. I kicked my boots off and carefully took Prompto's off too.

He squeezed extra tightly and the next thing I knew I was out cold.

I woke up a couple hours later to Prompto still firmly attached to my side. I smiled and looked at the time. It was three in the morning. I made a surprised look and then looked over my shoulder at Gladio and Ignis.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I looked at Iggy. He was laying on his stomach with his hands out, his glasses in his right hand firmly. His eyes were fully open but lifeless, he looked like a dead body.

I looked away from Iggy and towards Gladio. Gladio was much easier to look at, he was normal looking. He looked genuinely really peaceful.

After staring creepily at Gladio, I decided to look back at Ignis to see if I could read anything. He was a closed book, even when sleeping, damn. I looked away from Iggy so the sight of him looking dead didn't give me nightmares, or make me cry, or both.

I looked back at Prompto and saw his sleeping smiley face. I smiled as I saw it and left a kiss on his forehead as I went back to sleep until I actually had to get up.

I woke up later and it was an actual good time to get up. Gladio and Ignis had left but Prompto was still comfortably in my grasp. His head was titled forward a little so he had a double chin going. I was actually about to expload from his adorableness. I put my hand back in his hair and messaged his scalp. His hand quickly shifted so one was in-between my shoulder blades, and the other was in the centre of my chest. He opened his eyes slowly so the light from outside didn't blind him. Our eyes met and his sleepy look morphed into his typical cheery one.

"Heyaz." He said as he pecked my cheek.

"Hey." I said still sleepy sounding.

We both stayed there for another moment until I reluctantly started getting up.

As I left the tent I wasn't very surprised to see Ignis sitting down with his drug of choice; coffee.

"Good morning." He said with an odd grumble in his tone.

Ignis looked beat. Slight bags were under his eyes and his skin looked paler than it typically did.

"Morning." I replied back to him, not trying to be rude.

"Where Gladio?" Prompto asked as he emerged from the tent.

"Gladio... Received a call."


"Couldn't tell you. However, it seemed rather dire he answer it immediately."

"Interesting." I jumped in the talk as I pulled a seat next to him and Prompto did as well.

"I'm sure he'll tell us when he gets back." Promto wasn't confident in his statement.

"Indeed." Ignis took a sip of his coffee and went back to doing whatever he was doing.

After a good five minutes, Gladio came out of nowhere jogging. His face was one of happiness and urgency.

"Good morning, big gu-"

"We need to go to Lestallum right now!" He said cutting me off.

"What?" We all three questioned in our own ways.

"We, they, I-"

"Deep mediated breaths, Gladio." Ignis said not looking away from his cup.

Gladio paused and then got his words back.

"Cor just called, Dustin and Monica were able to save my sister and the pair of Jared and Talcot!" I could see Gladio's eyes light up at his own words.

"Really? That great! Why Lestallum?" Prompto questioned.

"That is where they've seeked refuge. They're alive, damnit, let's go visit them!" He was like a kid in a toy shop.

"Ok, ok. Let's pack stuff up and then we'll head over." I said.

He clapped and then started right away with putting the tent and gear away.

-To Be Continued-

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