Cutest Thing

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-Prompto POV-

The second we entered the cove that was infact behind the waterfall, we all got karate chopped by the cold. Goosbumps became part of my outfit. I shivered violently and rubbed my arms up and down. It wasn't cold enough to neccassarily need me to act like that, but I was dramatic and they loved me for it. Noct loved me for it, Gladio and Ignis probably had a different opinion.

We were in the cove forever so it felt like. Even Iggy looked done with this riffraff.

We all lit up when we approached a ledge. This... This is a good sign, us what we all thought as we slowly proceeded to walk across it.

"What I wouldn't do for a nice bowl of hot soup. Ah soup." I reminisced Iggy's ever so amazing cooking.

Noct eyes glimmered hearing my words. He must've been thinking just like I was.

The royal tomb came into sight the second we got across the ledge.

Fucking finally. I thought to myself again as Noct proceeded towards the door.

Just as Noct was about to open it, a daemon popped out making me jump. The other guys simply groaned while pulling out their weapons.

We took out the daemon after a good struggle. Noct took no time to then gain the royal arm and lead us out of the cove.

I celebrated us not dieing. Noct put his arm over my shoulder, chuckling at my goofiness. We eventually made it back to the regalia. The leather seats never felt better.

I sulked in the warmth of the car. It wasn't a extremely cozy warmth, but it was so much better than the cove by a long shot.

I exhaled shivering the cold off, and looked at Noct. He looked just as glad as the rest of us to be out of there.

"What?" I heard Gladio questioned and turned slightly to look at the two through the corner of my eye.

"How is your epidermis
so warm? We were just in an figurative ice cube!" Iggy said in shock referring to the hand Gladio had comfortably on his shoulder.

"I don't know. Cold never bothered me." Gladio replied in his typical badass way.

I let out a smile at the short interaction.

I turned my attention to the surroundings around us. It was late afternoon. In two hours it was gonna be dark.

I rested my head against the door and started dozing off. Before I could fall into a much needed sleep, I heard another short convo from Gladio and Iggy.

"What do ya need Igs?" Gladio asked.

I didn't hear Iggy's responce, but I did hear some shuffling. I looked over at the Raven haired prince and he was watching the pair in the rear view mirror.

The thing that got my attention was the look on his face. Noct had a wide smile and looked astonished.

"What?" Gladio asked, this time in a quieter tone.

"Not much, just the cutest thing ever." My face dropped at his words and a scoff escaped my lips.

"If that's the cutest thing ever, than what am I?"

"It makes you the second cutest." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"I'm only second best, huh?" Noct looked away from the two in the back and towards me.

"Fine," he started,"they're the second cutest and you're the most cutest."

I raised my arms up in victory and let out a woohoo. Gladio immediately shushed me.

I turned my head covering my mouth and looked at whatever Noct found so cute. I awed impulsively at the sight.

Iggy had his arms fully wrapped around Gladio's abdomen, with his face fully buried in Gladio's chest. His glasses were crooked and on his forehead just below his hairline. The cheek he had pressed against Gladio's chest was pushed up causing his lips and mouth to be opened weirdly.

"Do you not know what shush means?" Gladio whisper yelled at me.

"I'm sorry. Noct is right though, you guys ARE the cutest thing." I turned back away from them and was met with Noct's glare.

I gulped slightly as he remained quiet just staring.

"H-hey." I studdered out, his gaze making me anxious, "I said cutest. I'm cute, you're... S-sexy?" He smirked and chuckled maliciously.

"Nice recovery." He said looking back at the road.

I bit my lip and looked forward too. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn't think Noct did either. I sighed for whatever reason and place my head on the door going back to dozing off like I had earlier. This time I didn't have any interruptions and actually fell asleep fully.

-Timeskip I guess because why not-

"Ok guys..." Noct's voice suddenly sounded startling me out of sleep, "we've arrived so you should start getting up." Noct was clearly tired, but his facial expressions didn't read that.

I sat straight up and stretched out as much as I could. A yawn coming out of me.

I looked around the regalia at our surroundings. I scrunched up my eyebrows as I looked at the unfamiliar scene. Was this Cape Caem? Where the hell are we? I questioned to my self as I heard shuffling behind me. I turned my head and saw Iggy adjusting his glasses and looking confused as I was.

"Where the hell are we?" Gladio's voice sounded.

Noct looked around at all our confused faces and frowned.

"Is it too dark for you guys to tell?" I looked around at the darkness and then at the time. It was four o clock in the morning.

It wasn't pitch black, but all the figures around blended together.

I looked at Noct and cocked an eyebrow.

"We're outside an imperial base." He said simply making my face drop.

"We're where?" Ignis asked in disbelief with his voice slightly altered from just being asleep.

"We're outside of an imperial base." Noct restated.

A small sigh was heard.

"And I presume we are going to be doing more than simply viewing it?" Ignis asked monotonely.

"Yes, the Igster is correct as per usual." Iggy hummed at the new nickname.

"I hope that name doesn't stick." Noct did the humming now.

"It probably won't. Doesn't roll off the tongue like Iggy or specs does." Noct made the proclamation and started getting out. We all followed.

Noct started jogging, but before he could go full gung-ho, Gladio roughly pulled him and drug him off to the side behind some walls. We all huddled up.

"Yeah, Ignis tells us to not rush without plans for reasons." Gladio said with his voice slightly lower than usual.

Noct titled his head and looked at all of us for a second.

"Yeah..." Noct stated defeatedly, "on that note, any plans specky?"

Iggy hummed and looked up with his eyebrows slightly raised. He cleared his throat and rubbed his chin.

"Well..." He started.

-To Be Continued-

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