Dominic Calvert-Lewin

939 5 0

- love me or leave me.

You knew something was up and that things had changed between us. Your gut was telling me that but you chose to ignore it. You chose to ignore all the nights you had spent crying alone until you was sound asleep. You chose to ignore how you was left hanging around restaurant's, waiting for him to show. You chose to ignore all the signs, you had convinced myself that everything was okay.

Things were far from okay. There was a reason behind all the nights he hadn't come home. A reason behind his change in behaviour. Everybody could see the difference. Except me. My friends tried to tell me how he'd changed, you would only deny it and attempt to laugh it off. Part off me knew that what they was saying was correct. Things had changed. He had changed.

You were together 5 years, 5 long years. You was one another's first love, everyone always said it was just teenage love, they thought you wouldn't last.. but you did. Your love only grew with time.

So how could you even think that he'd cheat on you? After everything you've been through together, he always treated you like a queen. He always told you that you was the only women for him.. But was you?

In the past few months things have changed massively. The once happy couple we was, had now become unrecognisable. He was out the house all the time, never having time for me anymore. It would always result in an argument whenever you brought it up, the common excuse always being you had an issue with his friends too.

Tonight is no different from any other night, you'd made dinner and was waiting for him to come home.. he never did. You could feel the tears brewing in my eyes, what if it was all true, what if he really was cheating.. You replayed the past couple months in my head, he was a completely different person now. Its like you don't even who he is anymore... You tried to comprehend when we started falling apart and how you'd been so blind to not have seen it earlier.

You were deep in thought when you heard the front door slowly unlocking. You quickly turned my head to look at the clock beside me, it read 03:00am, you quickly wiped my eyes and waited for him to come in. He stumbled into the living jumping as soon as he seen me lay on the couch.

"Jesus you scared me" he laughed. You didn't find it funny. "What are you doing awake?" he shouts whilst going grabbing something to drink.

"I was waiting for you.. we had a date remember?"

"I was with some friends and forgot about the time. Sorry" he says with no guilt on his face, it made me sick. He didn't care that you were sat waiting around for him, you was so sick of the half-assessed apologies. "Where have you really been?"

"I already told you, do you not trust me? Are we really going through all this shit again?"
He yells. "I have a life you know, the world doesn't resolve around you!" you was on the verge off tears, he always tried to put the guilt on me. We sat there in silence before you decided to break it.

"Are you cheating on me?" you whispered, his head instantly turned around, i could tell you didn't expect me to ask that.

"Are you cheating on me?" You asked louder.

"I'm sorry" he murmured. You was stunned. Everything you thought was true. Your friends were right. Everything becoming clear to you now, all the nights he didn't come home, telling me you was with your friends.. you was lay in another women's bed.

"Do you even love me anymore?" It broke your heart to even ask. "How long has this been going on?" This time the tears pouring down your face, you couldn't believe the person you'd planned your life with could do you this dirty.

"Four months" he murmured. "Look i'm sorry-"

"Stop it" you cried out. "Do you know how many nights I've spent crying myself to sleep, wondering where you was and constantly blaming myself for everything going wrong you was in bed with someone else, how could i be so blind".

"GET OUT" you yelled.

"Please let me explain" tears pricked his eyes seeing you in this state.

"I said get out" you cried out once again, hitting him on the chest, pushing him out the door.

That was it, it was over. We was over.

He was stood standing in front of the door, regretting his actions, your face replaying over in his mind. Thinking about how he completely broke down the women who helped build him. The women who loved him with everything she had.

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