Jadon Sancho

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- it's still you; part 3.

You knew he wasn't 'good''...and neither were you.

"You don't need to lie to me Jadon" you whisper, the words hard for you to say, and even harder for him to hear. His bewildered expression making your heartache. A stranger could look at the two of you and tell you were still madly in love. Your eyes meet for what feels like forever. Words you were craving to hear spoken in silence. A single glance was enough to express your true emotions. "Why did we let go?" he whispers, an emotion in his tone you'd never heard before, sending shivers down the back of your spine as the kitchen suddenly became colder, wiping the corner of your eye in fear tears would spill. "I was scared" you simply state, the truth still hard for you to accept, knowing your reasoning for throwing your happiness away was based on an opinion that wasn't your own.

"Of what Y/N?" his voice louder than he intended it to be, lowering his tone once he realises the slight aggression his words carried, knowing it isn't necessary to point the blame at someone. "You Jadon, I.. I was scared of you" an eerie silence fills the room once again, his face now gentle with pain, eyes saddened to point of his pupils almost being fully black. "I was scared of what you were, what you would become" it was like the tone of your broken heart was laced in with your words. "You have the perfect life.. a persona that quite frankly I don't know if I can keep up with, a life I don't know if I belong in" you'd let the lies intrude with your reality, the 'WAG' label was one you didn't want floating around your head, the newspaper headlines and the constant stream of tweets you couldn't carry on your shoulders- he knew that, he knew you weren't scared of J, you were scared of 'Jadon Sancho' the brand that was made by opinions. "Did you want to end it?" he finally asks the question he's wanted to know the answer too for weeks. All he receives is a simple shake of your head, petrified that your words will fail you. "Then why did we Y/N? Because of what other people say? Because of a fear of something that was never true?" it hurt him to know you couldn't see yourself 'fitting in' to his life. Because you were his life, everything simply fit around you, since you'd been gone nothing felt the same, the world didn't seem to work like it once did, the sun didn't shine as bright, his smile didn't feel the same, the clouds become darker, the rain became heavier, the heartache took over everything he once appreciated.

"You taught me to love" he whispers. Your eyes looking up at him, fully aware you were still in his house, wearing his t-shirt, feeling the same pain he was. "Now I haven't even got the luxury of knowing you" the coarse tone of his works break you more than you'd ever thought imaginable. "I miss you" he chokes out. "I-" he takes in a deep breath, wondering if his next sentence was appropriate to be made known. "I still love you Y/N".

Heartbreak built the foundations to the truth, and that's all it took, your body subconsciously rushing towards him. Lips pressed to his once again. The desperation of the last six weeks all built up into one kiss, a feeling you'd never felt before- yet it was so familiar.

The comfort of his body pressed to yours, his arms holding you as close as he could, hearts beating next to each other, lips speaking the truth. "I still love you Jadon eyes closed, lips millimetres away from his, the breath of you confession tickling his skin. It was like he could feel the pieces of his heart find their way back to each other.

Kiss me again he whispers, nothing else needing to be said, your lips pressed to his again. Home. The only way to describe it. A drunken mistake that lead to an honest sincerity. The kitchen was warm, matching your bodies, matching your hearts. This is where you belonged. In his arms, in his home, in his heart.

Eyes meeting as you pull away unwillingly, the reflection of love echoing the contentedness you craved for so long. Old Y/N would refuse to accept what you are feeling right now. But your heart needed to be listened to. The truth needed to be acted upon.

Lets forget about it all you state gently, "Its not you Im scared of Jadon Its how in love with you I am which terrifies me" the overwhelming feeling of love was something you hadnt learnt to handle, but right now it was all you ever wanted and more. "Forget about what" he winks teasingly. A small giggle falling from your lips, smiling at the noise he dreamt of since you walked out the door. "Thank god you called me all drunk and horny" he teases, your hand coming to softly slap his chest. Blushing at his words, knowing your drunken words were your sober thoughts.

So he begins, kissing your neck gently as you hum in appreciation, "will you be my girlfriend again?"he chuckles, meeting your eyes for an answer. A wide smile spread across your face, the light in your eyes flickered back alive, your heart didnt hurt anymore. This was meant to be. "Of course" you breath out. You were back home, physically and emotionally.

After all this time, he stood happy, content, the only person hed ever loved. Its still you.

Through all the crazy shit, the hectic whirlwind of hope and heartbreak. Theres one place the ache leads to, one home, one person his heart beats for.

Its still you. It'll always be you.

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