Trent Alexander-Arnold

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- brothers friend.

You had been at the Alexander-Arnold residence multiple times before, everyone in the family knew you, except one of the siblings. Trent always seemed to be at training or away at a match whenever you'd come over to meet Tyler, so you'd never had the chance to meet him, but Trent had heard of you before, Tyler was always telling stories about you making Trent curious on who you were.

When you pulled up to their family's house you saw a car you hadn't seen before parked in the drive, making you assume it was Trent's. Once inside you were instantly greeted by the familiar scouse accents, everyone talking to one another before noticing you had arrived.

"Hi" Tyler said as he stood up to give you a hug. You smiled at the rest of the family and your eyes instantly landed on Trent. You'd obviously seen him before, on your TV or on the pitch when you'd attend matches, but never so close. He stood up and walked over to you, holding his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm Trent" he said his eyes staring into yours. "It's nice to meet you" you smiled politely, "I'm Y/N." Tyler excused the both of you before taking you upstairs, wanting to talk to you about this girl he likes but didn't know what to do about it. You laughed at his struggles, thinking its cute how he asks you for advice. You try to help him as much as you can, wanting him to find the perfect girl who'd treat him right, just as any best friend would want.

While Tyler was talking about this girl, your mind kept going back to Trent. His gorgeous brown eyes, his plump lips, the way he politely introduced himself, looking a little shy but still confident. You always thought he was attractive, from what you had seen on his Instagram page, but seeing him standing directly in front of you for the first time only increased the little crush you had on him, causing you to be extremely nervous throughout dinner, afraid you'd say or do something embarrassing as you sat opposite him.

Your eyes were on him a lot, trying to be subtle while checking him out, looking away the moment his head turned in your direction to not expose yourself. What you didn't realise was Trent staring at you when you wasn't looking. He thought you was extremely pretty, but since you and Tyler had ben friends for so long he thought there was something between the two of you, and going upstairs together earlier didn't help convince Trent that you and Tyler weren't dating.

After dinner the whole family sat down in the living room with a cup of tea. You asked Trent about football, surprising him because he didn't know you enjoyed watching it so much. He told you all about playing at Liverpool, he even invited you to one of his matches at Anfield which of course you accepted straight away. You found some more things to talk about and realised you both had a lot of stuff in common, conversation flowing so easily and you was having such a good evening with Trent.

Since meeting you that night Trent couldn't stop thinking about you, subtly asking Tyler about you to make sure you two weren't actually a thing. "Bro, what are you on about? Me and Y/N are just friends, nothing more." Tyler laughed, already picking up on his younger brothers crush.

Tyler was planning this big house party which you and Trent were both invited too. You made sure to look your absolute best, planning on getting Trent's attention, though you was sure it wouldn't change anything for you as you was too terrified to make a move.

The party was full of mutual friends you knew through Tyler, but your eyes were scanning the crowd for Trent, soon finding his brown orbs staring back at you. You smiled at him as a greeting and felt accomplished when you seen him checking you out, his eyes scanning over your body while smirking, letting you know he liked what he was seeing. You spent the rest of the night mingling with friends, drinking countless glasses of wine, making you feel more tipsy as time went on.

When your friend left you to go to the bathroom Trent seen his chance to come over and talk to you, he got you a new drink, confident smirk on his face as he walked over to you. He planned on making his move.

"Hi I got you a new drink." You thanked him and took it, admiring the outfit he was wearing, the choice defiantly better than the one he wore on his birthday, which you had seen on his Instagram. The alcohol cased you to not be as subtle anymore, licking your lips at how handsome he looked, making it very obvious you were checking him out.

"Like what you seen then pretty girl?" Trent asked, making you look up into his eyes and innocently nod, slightly biting your lip, driving him absolutely crazy as he imaged your lips around him.

The more you two talked the more you started flirting, eventually leading to Trent asking you to follow him upstairs. The moment you stepped inside one of the guest rooms his lips were on yours, a feeling you had waited for. The kiss was soft but passionate and heated at the same time, his hands on your cheeks while you held his waist. Your hand lifted the fabric of his shirt and you felt his toned body, running your fingers over his skin making Trent hum into the kiss. You knew exactly where this was going when Trent did the same thing, tugging on your shirt before eventually taking it off.

Within minutes you were both naked in the bed, the loud music allowing you both to be as loud as you wanted, no one was able to hear you moan Trent's name as he made you cum before helping you get cleaned up. You fixed your hair to make it look like you didn't just get fucked in one of the guest rooms and you walked downstairs, Trent waiting a few minutes before following. You went back to your friends, mingling in their conversation again, trying not to think of Trent too much because you knew your red cheeks would give it away.

At the end of the night when you was leaving Trent stopped you. "Y/N wait!" He ran up to you, holding your arm to stop you from leaving before he had the chance to talk to you.

"Listen, I just want you to know I'm not the girl who just sleeps with girls and then lets them go.. I like you and I urm- I wanted to ask if I could have your number?" He scratched the back of his neck, the confidence now gone as he was nervous for your response. You giggled and nodded, holding your hand out so Trent could give you his phone.

"There you go" you said as you handed him his phone back, shooting him a wink as you did. You gave Trent a quick hug before getting into your taxi, leaving you to dream about him that night and hoping you'd wake up to a text from him, defiantly wanting to see him again.

Meanwhile, Trent was thinking of the perfect text to send his brothers best friend.

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