Love Will Conquer

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Chapter No. 45

Evelyn's POV:

(3 years later)

"Mommy, my baby brother is absolutely cute! I'm gonna spoil him rotten." Lotte squeals but silently as to not wake her baby brother who's finally decided to grace us with his presence.

Holding my son in my arms is worth all the pain I bore. My condition worsened because apparently, I had some effects of PTSD due to which it was a bit difficult for me to get pregnant. I became a bit upset when I got to know that. But Archer didn't care for it at all. For him, my health came first.

So imagine my shock when I found out I got pregnant. It was a normal day at work, meaning as always my husband wanted to have lunch with his wife and daughter and we decided to have it at his office, since right after we both had meetings. I was just serving lunch when suddenly I got dizzy and fainted. My overprotective husband rushed me to our family hospital. Where he literally called the entire family and imagine my surprise when I came around everyone was gathered around me and both my mothers' told me that I am expecting! That was one of the few moments that I cried. Archer came forward and hugged me to him.

If I thought he was overprotective his overprotectiveness at that point knew no boundaries. He made sure that I called him every hour or so. If for some reason I couldn't he would immediately call Mom and ask her if I was doing okay.

Those months were interesting as well as a bit irritating for me as he was on to my every move and even increased security. I knew he was just protecting us but sometimes it felt too much. So I often got into fights with him. Finally, when I was unable to get through him I talked to Dad and made him see reason and the fact that I was starting to feel suffocated. He then talked to Archer and even though he was stubborn he relented by allowing me to have a little freedom but only if he was with me.

Looking at my son, even though he's so small right now but I have a very strong feeling he'll have his father's stubborn personality. I kiss his forehead and he lets out a little yawn. That I coo at.

"My son is stealing my time with my wife. She's so focused on our son that I think she's completely forgotten about her poor husband." My husband literally pouts and I giggle that he's actually jealous of his son.

"Do you want to hold him?" I look at him.

He looks at me and our son with so much love that it almost brings tears to my eyes. Our family is now complete. We have our daughter who's both mine and his life, Charlotte and now our son has graced us. There's nothing I want any more than to capture this moment forever in our lives.

"Mommy, I've got it! I have found the perfect name for my baby brother." Lotte squeals.

Archer gently takes our son into his arms and the look he has in his eyes gives me the confirmation that this little guy is gonna be spoiled rotten.

"He looks completely like you, Pretty girl."

I giggle at that one and shake my head, "Archer, our son looks like you."

"Mommy! Daddy! I've thought of a name for the baby!" Lotte squeals.

We both laugh at her voice, I pull her closer to me and she climbs into bed with me, Archer is gonna say something but one glare from me has him shut up.

"So what name has our Lotte come up for her baby brother?" I ask.

"Actually it was a name me and Cam both came up together. It's Zachary." Charlotte looks at me then her Daddy for approval.

Names had been suggested by our families but I like the name Zachary most. I look at Archer and he nods at me. I smile and look at our daughter who's recently turned 7, "Baby, I love the name. From this forward, our newest addition to the family's name is Zachary Leon Theodore."

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