I Will Be Fine!

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Remember to Vote + Comment = Voment! Singer and song for this chapter are as follows:-

Song Name: This Is Our War
Singer Name: HALOCENE

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.19

Evelyn's POV:

I woke in an unknown place. It was very spacious and 2 times the size of my bedroom, it oddly had the scent of the person who hugged me last. Slowly, sitting up I hear noises coming from outside. I don't have any strength but I know for a fact its Uncle!

Forcing my body to get out of the bed, I walk out of the room and towards the room, it's unfortunately, downstairs. I had a hard time walking down as I felt incredibly dizzy. But I didn't like Uncle's voice... It seemed broken... I don't like it when he's sad.

Reaching the lounge I notice everyone but I don't care and only hear Uncle's words which have me breaking down all over again, "T-That's not t-true Uncle! I-If you weren't there for w-when you were I may not be even here! Don't ever say such words again! I won't ever forgive you."

They all look at me and Archer gets up first followed by Uncle, they sprint to where I was standing I step away from them, and lean on the wall for support, "Please don't! I'm really sick and tired of people caring and worrying about my wellbeing. For God's sake start worrying about your own families! I will be fine! I always have been. The only reason I went to the cemetery is that I know Daddy would listen to my rants no matter how baseless they are without saying anything. I wasn't about to do something absurd! I just wanted some time alone with my Daddy!"

They all look at me shocked, "I just ask that you all give me some space to breathe... Without always worrying when I might break down! When I didn't break down when my most cherished person was killed in front of me. If I didn't break then I won't now. So please let me breathe in peace. And for the love of God don't say I sacrificed my happiness for this. I didn't. I never did. I only did what I wanted to. If that's so wrong then I apologize!"

If my fever finally went down it was sure back at full speed... Mommy comes forward with Aunt Celia, "Everyone, please step aside. My daughter has been through a lot, already. Just let her breathe."

"Sweetie, you're burning up!" Aunt Celia says.

I nod, "Evie dear, how you managed to come downstairs in your condition?" Mommy asked softly.

"I was really sick of hearing people talking about my past and blaming themselves! So of course, I didn't have much of a choice... I really wanna go home, Mommy." I look at Mommy with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn dear. But right there's a thunderstorm outside..." Mrs. Theodore Senior or rather Grandma says.

"Fine... Grandma Dawn, can you ask everyone not to bring up the past, please?" She looked stunned but nodded nonetheless.

My body finally gave up on standing on its own and I fell but before I could meet the ground someone held me bridal style. I opened my eyes to see its Archer. I sigh and let him carry me. I'm totally exhausted and give up they can whatever the heck they want to.

"Do you feel like taking anything?" he asks as he sets on the same familiar bed I left earlier.

"Not really. I think I'll throw up if I do." I shake my head.

"Eve, you've not eaten anything since morning, your body needs strength to recuperate. Don't torture yourself like this. If not for yourself do it for Cameron and Charlotte. The only reason the kids weren't there was that I asked Cameron to make sure Charlotte doesn't leave her room." Archer says.

I huff out, "Fine! Do what you want. But I want chicken corn soup. But only after my mom's white chocolate milk."

He chuckles at my behavior and I look at him annoyed, "People don't usually laugh at someone's tantrum."

He looks at me and his eyes are sparkling with humor, "Sorry but your tantrums are much more entertaining."

His lips curve into a smile that reaches his eyes and I don't know why but I can't be annoyed at him, "Ugh! Whatever! Just please do what I said because I really am hungry!"

With that I lay down on the pillow and poof I'm out, completely. A little while later I feel someone stroking my hair and it feels nice... I want them to continue it but I hear a distant voice call out to me, "Eve... Eve? Wake up, your Mom has made your request... Don't you want to drink it while it's warm?"

I nod but don't open my eyes, I hear the person sigh, "Eve, please?"

I finally relent to the request and see its Archer, I sit up and see he's sitting very close to me on the bed on my right side, and he's placed the mug on the side-table.

I reach for it but he stops me and grabs it for me and hands me the mug, our fingers touch and I silently gasp as I felt a weird spark. Yes, I know I read a lot of fantasy books but to feel it in real life is just out of the ordinary. His smile fades a bit. But his eyes sparkle if possible brightens. He makes sure that the mug in my hand is firm only then he lets his hands over mine go.

I take a sip of the drink and as I remember it tastes heavenly. I barely hold the urge to moan, because it would look weird in front of him. All the while I steal glances at him and every time find him looking at me. Either I'm crazy or it's true. The moment I finish he takes the mug from and places back on the side table. He chuckles seeing my face for some reason I was gonna ask why but he beats me to it and wipes the small mustache I managed to create with his thumb.

My entire face burns as my cheeks turn scarlet with embarrassment, and Archer, on the other hand, chuckles like full-out laughs and in anger and mortification, I pull the comforter over my head.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry. But you were looking so cute. I apologize, Eve... Please can you forgive me?" Archer says but the playfulness is still there.

I relent, and take off the comforter, "Yes... But only on the condition that you take me out to eat ice-cream! Of the best parlor, you know."

He looks a bit surprised nonetheless smiles, "Of course, your wish is my command."

I giggle at his words, "Evelyn Rain Colton! Don't you dare think you're going out with this cold of yours! And you finally recovered a few days ago." Mommy says barging in. 

Oh, shoot! Mommy's not going to allow me to go to the parlor for a long while... Wish me luck!

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