Precious Gem

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The book is turning out to be more interesting than I had assumed. If you want to notified of the update remember to add it to your libraries and please vote! If you like the chapters!

Song Name: Closer
Singer Name: The ChainSmokers
Cover by: First To Eleven

So without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.2

Evelyn's POV:

I stand corrected! Mommy went overboard! Quite literally... I don't think I've ever gone to as many shops as I did with Mommy. Even Ron had his opinions! God, these two can be frustrating when they want to be. I think Ron may have Daddy's features but in personality, he's the perfect mix between the two.

After 3 hours of merciless shopping, I finally call it quits and tell them I'm heading for the cafè downstairs, they both still had energy for more and I told them they know my size so get whatever they prefer.

Walking out of the nightmare I head for the elevator, but before I reach I hear noises, "Hey, baby. Trust me I'll take you to your parents."

I hear a quiet whimper, "N-no... I don't want t-to go w-with you people."

I know something isn't right so I follow the voice and find it's coming from a secluded area of the floor which apparently is a blind spot and wouldn't be captured in-camera.

The first man roughly grabs the little girl's arm making her yelp in pain, and that's when I lose it, "HEY! Let her go!" I shout at him, brisk-walking towards them.

I remove his hands off of her and take her into my arms. I glare at the two men, and they look the least bit scared, "Oooh, you're pretty! The kid's nothing in comparison to you. Why don't you come with us? We promise to be nice." The 2nd bastard said.

I sighed, and looked at the girl in my arms, she had the most beautiful blue eyes, she was scared to no end, and I coo at her, "Sweetie, will you close your eyes for me? And put your hands on your ears? Then I promise I'll make these bad guys disappear with magic! Like, poof!"

She looks at me surprised, then says in her baby voice, "Pwomise?"

I giggle and nod, "Promise!"

She closes her eyes. I put her down and she puts her hands on her ears, "You asked for it."

Before thinking anything else, I punch the first one on his ugly face, hearing a crack sort of noise and kick the other who dared to roughly grab the girl's arm where the sun won't shine again.

They both drop to the ground in pain. I bent down to the girl's level and remove her hands from her ear, she opens her eyes, and looking around for the men, she sees them on the ground. Her eyes glimmer and smiling she puts her arms around my neck, "Thank you!" She squeals.

But instantly she turns stiff and I know something's wrong, I hold her little body tightly and crouching down, put out my right leg and make the both topple on one another.

I call the security to have them removed from the premises and file a report against them, as well as the security of the mall. How could they let such people in or rather why was there no security on this floor.

The whole time the little girl silently observes me, "What's the matter, sweetie?" I ask softly.

"Th-thank you... Miss." She replies in a really low voice.

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