Except For Her

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Finally we have the POV of the male protagonist of this book. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it.
Song Name: Love The Way You Lie.
Singer Name: Eminem ft. Rihanna.

Without further ado, here another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!
Happy Reading!

Chapter No.5

Archer's POV:

This day couldn't have had a more bad start. I avoid dealing with women. And this woman I met in the café really got on my last nerves. I couldn't believe that she didn't know who I was. Either she had been living under a rock this entire time or she's just dumb. Everyone in the café recognized me with one glance except for her.

I wanted to let her have a piece of my mind but Dad messaged me asking me what was taking me so long. Not having time to deal with her I leave the café. Driving to Uncle Dan's and Mom's building I park in private parking, and head for the elevator.

"Son, you're late. And where is your coat?" Dad asks as soon as I step inside the meeting room, thankfully the CEO of the restaurant chain that's gaining popularity rapidly isn't here.

"A minor incident happened. You know I fired the previous PA because of her unprofessional behavior. So I went to get coffee, there I met a woman who spilled her drink on my coat." I sigh.

"Leave it, Austin. Archer looks perfect. If anything my son is perfectly handsome." Mom gushes.

I chuckle at her behavior. She and Bella are the same. Totally childish, but at least Mom knows when to be professional.

"At least my nephew is on-time, unlike my son, that idiot actually is late. He knows how important this meeting is." Uncle sighs.

At that moment there's a knock on the door we all look at it and Seb enters with a female trailing behind him... Wait a sec where have I seen that attire, it couldn't be a coincidence, right? My unasked question is answered when she raises her head. Unbelievable!

Mom asks first, "Evelyn?" Totally surprised.

Huh? What? How does she know her? The woman or rather Evelyn smiles, "Greetings. We didn't get acquainted with the last time. My name is Evelyn Colton, owner, and CEO of Dream Palace restaurants and caterers. I believe I have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Anderson, Mr., and Mrs. Theodore?"

Wait one second here, she's the CEO we're supposed to have a meeting with? A kid? Either this is a joke or I've lost a screw in my head. As the meeting starts my parents along with Uncle are amazed by her business skills. But for some reason, she still gets on my nerves.

Any queries we have she answered them as professional as possible, In the end, Mom says something that had me move my head so fast I'm surprised it didn't give me a whiplash, "Evelyn, dear, I still am greatly indebted to you. Actually I and my husband both are."

On the other hand, Evelyn just smiles gratefully, "No you're not, Mrs. Theodore. I did what anyone should do I'm just guilty that I didn't reach before those bastards dared to put their dirty hands on little Charlotte. But no worries. They won't be seeing the light of day for a long time. I went to the station yesterday and had a very long chat with a colleague of mine."

How the hell does she know my Charlotte? And what does she mean by guilty on not reaching on time?

"Also I got to know that you're in a project that relates to the owners of the mall. I would suggest that you have them upgrade the security on the 6th floor. There are many blind spots. Meaning anyone could do anything. Also, there was absolutely no security that day. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I thought it was just a mere fluke but now I'm not so sure. Please be more alert and please contact them about this matter. If you need witnesses. I'll readily aid. But kidnapping innocent children is just..." She doesn't continue but her eyes show a rage like none other.

Mom gasps at the information and she look at Dad and Uncle and both are shocked to learn this, "That's not possible! Very few people know that we have a granddaughter, let alone kidnap!" Uncle's voice soars.

My hands turn into fists just thinking about someone daring to harm my Charlotte, "Well someone did! And if I wasn't there they might've succeeded. Charlotte is too innocent to know the horrible things about this world... Actually no kid should know... So please protect Charlotte better before you regret it."

We all look at her surprised but all I see is rage, "Are you trying to threaten me?"

"No! All I'm saying is that I know how it feels to lose the ones you love by the people you trust the most! If you see it as a threat so be it!" Her tone matches mine, she raises from her seat.

"I apologize if I came off as rude. I've not yet signed the contract yet. If you all have second thoughts, I'll let it go."

"Oh, and why would you let it go just like that? We are the most renowned businesses in the world, who wouldn't dream of working with us? You must have ulterior motives." I spit out.

Mom looks at me shocked. But I could care less at the moment.

What surprises me is when she laughs, "Woah, I heard a lot of things in the past but ulterior motives? That's new. I'll add it to my dictionary. You know what? Archer Theodore, I tried my utmost to avoid conflict with you but you're really out of line. First of all, learn what professionalism is. Secondly, I didn't beg to have a meeting with you all. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore senior wanted to have a joint business venture, so I agreed. I respect them a lot. But that doesn't mean I'll tolerate whatever you throw at me. I don't know what personal grudge you have against me but it's mostly because I'm a girl. The hate in your eyes is crystal clear." She spits out like as if its venom.

I'm astonished at how she retorted and to be honest, I might've have gone too far, "I'm sorry, but I don't think we should do this collaboration project. Not all of your members are on board for it. I may want to expand in the States but not like this. If you want to still continue the deal, you can ask Mr. Theodore senior for my friend Mark's number. He'll sign on my behalf. Thank you."

With that, she leaves, "Archer James Theodore! What in the name of all that is good were you thinking?! I didn't raise you to be like this. Your grandmother since returned from Hamilton was excited about this collaboration. She really likes Evelyn. And she doesn't like people so easily. How am I supposed to face her?" Mom explodes.

Mom never gets angry, but now for some girl, she actually became so angry that she called me by my full name. I don't know how to answer her.

"I had a feeling something may go wrong. So I came just in case." We all look at the entrance to see grandpa.

"Luckily, I or rather my great-granddaughter stopped Evelyn dear from leaving. Archer, I didn't expect this from you. She didn't tell anything to your grandmother and I expect you to behave at least cordially this time." Grandpa smiled at the beginning but became stern in the end.

At that moment grandma enters with Evelyn behind her and I couldn't believe my daughter was in her arms, talking animatedly, actually, all of us were taken aback... She never trusted strangers... No matter what. But she actually is in her arms.

"Evie, gran-granny told me you make yummy cakes! I wanna try one too! When will I eat one?" Charlotte asks.

Evelyn giggles at her query, "Hmm... How about after this meeting you, your gran-granny and gran-grandpa come with me to my newly opened shop? It's still in its final stages but the kitchen and the ground portion of the restaurant are finished?"

Charlotte gasps, "Pinky pwomise?"

Evelyn takes her own pinky joins with hers, "Pinky promise!" She kisses her cheeks, "You're too adorable for me to say no."

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