Just Like That?

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So the song and singer for this chapter comes with a cover singer as well. Meaning I like their version as well and a lot!

Song Name: Tik Tok
Singer Name: Kesha
Cover By: First To Eleven

Without further ado here is another chapter of LOVE WILL CONQUER!


Chapter No.8

Evelyn's POV:

Everyone looks at me concerned, "Sorry, everyone... I have to go. Unfortunately, I have an unplanned meeting."

"Evelyn, you're in no state to attend a meeting..." Mrs. Theodore says.

"This client is very important to me. I can rest later. Besides, it was a communication error on my part. It's not his fault anyways." I get up from my seat but I lose my balance, Archer catches me.

I seriously am falling on him quite literally, "A meeting is not important over health."

"It is if it means... Nothing...Just forget it..." I make him let go and contact my driver, but he takes the phone before I could dial his number.

I glare at him, "If you're gonna be stubborn as to not rest. I'll drive you. Just to be safe." He says with a poker face.

He doesn't listen to any complaint from me and makes me sit in his car, "What about Mr. and Mrs. Theodore? What about Charlotte?"

"Don't worry, another car will arrive in 5 minutes. Grandma is really worried about you. For all, they know you'd be unconscious after the meeting." He replies stoically, but with an undertone of anger.

I sigh and let it go, I guide him to the office, we reach the office, and he parks in the parking lot. Begrudgingly, I accept his help, thankfully I still had 15 minutes to prepare. I ask my secretary to report. She told me before contacting her Mark already did. Finally, he did something intelligent.

The meeting was a hit on success, more than expectations. As a result, Mr. Alonso wants me to attend the event as one of his most prestigious guests. Yeah, that wasn't on my agenda but I don't have much of a choice. Thankfully, the event is scheduled in 3 weeks.

"Was that Mr. Bernard Alonso's secretary?" Archer asks as I step back into the office.

I nod, "Wow, now I see why you wanted to have the meeting. It's nearly impossible to work with him. Those who have worked with him, report he's an impossible perfectionist." Archer says.

"Oh, and what do you think after all I've heard that you've all recently worked together on a mega project in China." I inquire.

"Rumors about him being a perfectionist are true. But him being impossible to work with is just a myth. That is my opinion. Why'd you ask?" Archer asks.

"Nothing, because I wanted to see your opinion on it. And by the way, Mr. Alonso is a business-minded person but also very considerate towards people whom he sees have the potential to prove themselves." I smile at the end.

Archer looks at me in question in hopes I would continue, but I don't know him other than business. So I'm not talking further. He seems to understand as his gaze leaves mine. Like his father, he inherited his eyes stormy grey eyes. But his hair is definitely inherited from his mother, but the rest is a carbon copy of his father.

"So are you done now?" He asks a couple of minutes later.

I nod, "Good, pack your stuff, on the way back, is our family hospital, I want you to get a checkup. Just in case. You're paler now than when we came."

I roll my eyes at his statement, "Sorry to inform you, but I was born with pale skin."

"I can see that. But you're sickly pale. I doubt you ever visit a doctor when sick. So it'll be good to do so."

"Fine! But if he suggests any tests I'm out!" I huff.

The corner of the mouth twitches into a non-existing smile but disappears as soon as it came. We leave and as he said, we visit the family hospital to find out his aunt works as the head physician. She does a routine checkup and says other than extreme fatigue I was fine.

On the way back he strikes up a conversation, "Uh, I wanted to apologize... For last time... I just don't get along with unfamiliar females... I guess being possessive over Charlotte and not socializing with females just took a wrong turn. I was wrong... actually am wrong."

"It's okay... I understand. Besides you've helped me a lot today. So we're even." I smile at him reassuringly.

He looks surprised at my words, "Just like that?"

My eyebrows furrow, "What do you mean?"  

He shakes his head, "Nothing forget it."

"Come on, finish it what did you mean to say?" I ask again.

He sighs one hand goes at the back of the neck like massaging it, "It's just that normally the person or specifically a girl would rather have you beg for her forgiveness."

I couldn't hold it and laugh like literally laugh out loud till tears form in my eyes, he looks at me as to say 'what's the big joke?', "I'm sorry, it's just that really took me by surprise. It was really hilarious. Sorry to say this but whoever did that was a plain bitch in the daylight. I have a fair share of them. But try my level best to avoid them. Because you know you committed a mistake and you apologized, case closed. To have the person beg for forgiveness that's just absurd and selfish. I'd say goodbye before turning to such things."

He doesn't say anything after that but I think I gave him a lot to ponder about. Since my home was still 20 minutes' drive I closed my eyes for second but I guess the pills were starting to take effect because I was completely out the next second.

When I regained a bit of consciousness, I heard Archer talk, "Don't worry let me put her to bed. I don't want to disturb her sleep. By the looks of it, she needs a lot."

"She does... It's just that she's not willing to lean on anyone for support... Not even me. Thank you for being there for her even though my daughter can be too stubborn." Mommy replies.

I feel him move but he's so comfy I don't bother telling him I'm awake, I feel him gently put me on my bed and covering me with the comforter, "Sleep well, Evelyn... I just hope you learn to share your burden with others."

I fall back to sleep when I feel someone put their lips lightly on my forehead and then leave. That night I had slept the most peaceful in years. It felt nice to have someone who cares not because they share a bond with me. Weird I know but it's just how felt.

The next morning I get the biggest lecture of my life from Mommy for neglecting my health and as a result, I was on total house arrest meaning grounded for a week. I know she meant only the good for me so I didn't complain.

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