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(Daniel pov)

"FUCK!" I  slammed my hands down on my desk. 

"Did you find Jimin?' Hoseok asks in a hushed tone. I let out a troubled sigh and sat down.

"He was with that alpha..." Taemin said, his voice laced with pure venom and anger. "That fucking alpha..."

"Taemin," I called but he was already lost. His eye was wide with anger, his wolf eyes; a color which could only be described as golden brown or the color of the sun's rays started to peak through his natural brown eyes. Pheromones, of unalienable rage, were now seeping into the room.

"I'll kill him."

"Taemin!" I said his name a bit louder this time and he quickly whip around, his alpha eyes, peering into mine. "We'll get Jimin back. And when we do, he will be your bride, your mate." Taemin seemed to calm down at the sound of that. "Gather your men. I'll get mine and tomorrow night we will storm that house, grab my brother and kill that alpha. We'll finish him and his pack." That was an idea that made Taemin smile.

"Alright." He said getting up; just when he was about to leave my office, he look back at me flashing his golden brown alpha-colored eyes at me. "I really do love your little brother Daniel." After that, he left. The room was silent after that, his words still lingering in the air. I put my head on my desk, closing my eyes, and let out a more than a troublesome sigh. Thoughts of Jimin, my baby brother, the person I had worked so hard to protect, and him raising his fist to me ready to fight. And for what? Another alpha. Jimin was ready to break our brotherly bond, our bloodline in half for that man. Why Jimin? Why?"

"Daniel?" I lift my head up at the sound of Hobi's voice. "Are you really doing all of this for Jimin's safety or is there another reason?" Hobi gave me a hard stare, practically telling me, that it'd be best if I just tell him the truth. I took a deep breath.

"It's complicated."

"So, this isn't just about Jimin's safety?"

"His safety play's a big part of it." I just let out another sigh.

"I'm no Sehun, Daniel, so I'm not quite sure what it is that you're going through nor am I sure how to get you to talk but, believe me when I say that, while you may not realize it, you're causing a lot of hurt to the people around you." those words took me off guard. 

"You won't understand Hobi."

"I can't understand if you don't tell me."


"We're a pack, Daniel. A family. We can't read your mind. You have to tell us-" 

"Enough." I stop him abruptly. "Look, my head hurts right now. Can you just leave?"


"LEAVE!" I flash my alpha eyes at him before laying my head down on my desk and closing my eyes. I didn't open my eyes until I heard the sound of my office door click shut. How can I tell them? How can I face jimin and tell him what I did?

(Hoseok pov)

I stared up at the white ceiling of my room, memories running through my head. How did things even become like this? Daniel's keeping secrets, Jimin, Lisa, Sehun, and my mate are all gone; I couldn't help but let out a sigh. "And here I am, clueless and confused." Before I could even begin to sigh more and contemplate the future, my phone rang; taking it up, it was a number I had never seen before. "Hello?"

"H-hi Hobi...." I jump at the voice, quickly sitting up on my bed.


"Hey, baby." His voice sounded low and soft. He didn't sound sad, but he didn't soundboard or happy either. He sounded something more close to....holding his breath, I guess. "I was gonna text you but, I didn't know how to phrase everything or how to tell you everything I wanted to tell you."

"Taehyung, I-"

"Just listen! please..."

"Okay." Suddenly I became nervous. I bit my upper lip, anxious, for what he might tell me. Up until Sehun and Daniel fought, I had always been, what you'd called an optimistic person, but ever since then, it's been hard to even try and smile and pretend that things are even remotely fine. In my head, I had already built up the worst of the worst possibilities.

"First off, I'm sorry. I should have contacted you sooner but I....I-I just wasn't ready yet. I'm sorry, you must have felt like I was...or um like I didn't care for you, but, that wasn't the truth, I promise."

"Okay..." that was easy to swallow down.

"Next, I want you to know that I'm safe, I'm fine."

"That's good. I'm happy that you're safe.... are Jimin and the others with you? I hope they're safe as well."

"We're not together but, I can assure you that they're fine." I let out a more than relief sigh at that.

"Good, that's good." There was a happy moment of quiet for a few seconds before,



"Just know that I did think about you before I left."

"Did you really?" Those words tasted bitter on my lips.

"YES! 100%! I did, darling!"

"Then why? Why didn't you at least  find me and tell me?"

"Everything happened so quickly. We had to leave, okay?! I had only got told about what Daniel was planing, minutes before the fight broke out. Things weren't easy, at the time I needed to make a quick decision, y'know?"

"You chose Jimin...."

"Sweetheart, I chose what I thought and what I still think is right."


"I got to have you, hold you, and mate with you. You were my choice. Don't you think Jimin deserves to make those same choices?" I didn't say anything...."Listen, I've met the alpha whose courting Jimin, and believe me when I say, that he's not a bad guy. Just by looking at his face, it's so clear, that anyone could tell, just how much he loves and values Jimin. He cares for Jimin immensely. And I have no doubts in my mind that jimin feels the exact same way as he does."


"You know that I'm secretly a huge hopeless romantic." I couldn't help but chuckle a little at that.

"I do know." I can hear a little of my omega's sweet giggles through the phone."

"I want Jimin to be happy. I want him to be able to have the same choices that we had."

"I see..."



"I love you." Those words made everything around me stop. "I love you. I love you, I love you a lot but, I'm not coming home until Jimin is allowed to love freely and happily, instead of getting push and forced to marry some alpha he hates. But, I want you to know, that I love you."

"I love you too, Taetae." I could feel him smiling softly through the phone.

"This is goodbye."

"Tae-" Before I could finish, the line cut off. I quickly tried to call the number back but nothing happened. I tried a few more times but, 

"We're sorry. The number you have dialed is-"

I let out a sigh before flopping back on my bed, once again staring at my white ceiling. I agree with taehyung. In reality, he's right. Jimin deserves to have the same choices, to pick who he wants to be with but, "I can't help but feel like Daniel's hiding something. The real reason behind all of this." I whispered to myself. I need to find out, what he's hiding. 

"Why are you doing all of this Daniel?"

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