24. Chapter Turn around

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Justin's POV

Being in New York giving interviews and all that stuff was weird to me, like I would have never done that before. It felt all like new and I was nervous and excited again. After this long break and all the shit I have done it was like a second chance I wanted to take and I did. I did my best to show everyone who I really am and what I really care about. After the Roast had aired I was better again. People were more open and didn't ask that many questions about my bad behavior.

I was in Miami before and right on the way to the airport actually on my way back home Scooter called telling me I have to be in New York, doing interviews and stuff. I was beyond piss since I wanted nothing more than to be with my girl.

Knowing (YN) would be at my place for the time I wasn't, gave me some kind of a good feeling anyway. I knew she was doing good, and Anna and Mike stayed with her, so she was safe. I was gone now for more than 3 days and I missed her more than ever before. We had such an amazing day before I left. Too bad she had to work and couldn't make it to New York but I had an idea for the weekend.

"Hi, baby. Can you talk?" I asked as I called her knowing she must still be at work, hearing Leonardo in the background yell at someone. I was sitting in a car, as a guy was driving me to the next interview, Hugo sitting next to me.

"Sure. Give me a second." She answered, saying something to Leo and then everything around her was silent again, I just hear a door close. "How you doing?" She asked, I could hear her smile.

"Leo lashing out again?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, there is that new girl he hired and she just messed up big times. But I like her so I was trying to convince him to give her another chance." She told me.

"Is it the same girl that almost burned the office kitchen, once?" I asked, remembering that (YN) told me about it a few days ago. She laughed, just as I did. It was so cute and funny as she told me about it.

"Actually yes, it's her...you know the girl you met in the elevator once, who was so shy that she couldn't even say hello." She giggled reminding me of that awkward situation before I got into (YN)'s office and she was sitting on Pedro's lap. First I thought she was just shocked because of my beaten up face or because she is a fan of mine but as (YN) told me about her, and that she always acts like that I had to laugh.

"I remember. But listen, I was wondering if you would like to get over here for the weekend. I'll play a little concert with Dan and I would love to have you with me." I suggested, knowing she has this weekend off.

"Nothing better than that." She cheered. "I would love to see you perform again. I miss it and I miss you." She giggled shyly making me laugh. "It's so empty in that big house without you and I told Anna she shall take the weekend off, so I would have been all by myself."

"Perfect, what about you take the jet tonight after work, since its Friday?" I asked wanting her here with me already.

"Sounds good to me." She agreed. "One night more with you." She cheered. "It's cold over there, isn't it?" She asked, typical women already thinking about which outfits she will take with her, I couldn't but roll my eyes. "What?" She asked as if she has seen it. "I need to know." She added pouting.

"Yeah it's pretty bad. But don't worry about that, you won't leave the hotel room much, basically I'll tie you up on the bed and do things to you...hmmm..." I trailed off licking my lips, moaning into the phone.

"Justin." She giggled. "You a perv, you know that?" She laughed, I knew her cheeks were all red and stuff. "So the little concert you giving with Dan takes place in you hotel room." She joked making me laugh again.

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