Ch 8

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//////TIME//SKIP/////1///WEEK /////

It was time for the funeral. My family was all wearing black as well as the whole village. The ceremony was a little bit longer than I expected but with all that happened it was needed.

My parents were busy talking with others so I decided I would find someone to talk with too. As I was walking around I saw baby Naruto, I went towards him but saw many anbu guarding him. It didn't bother me, I was no threat.

The Anbu didn't seem to mind but kept an eye on me.

Naruto was awake but no one did anything, though he seemed to be enjoying his own company. I went up to him and made my presence known. "Mmm" baby Naruto looked curiously at me, "hello there" I smiled, I poked his cheek and it was squishy.

He grabbed my finger, I thought it was cute until he put it in his mouth, "ew really Naruto". He just laughed. "Goodness" this baby. I went to find Itachi, he was the only one I had talked to. I bumped into someone and almost got knocked over.

'Great with my luck it's going to be bad' I thought looking up at the person. "Hey kid you ok" he said "ya I'm sorry Mr Nara" I recognized Shikamaru's dad immediately.

"It's ok just be careful" he said "ok bye" I smiled. I walked away not knowing that he was giving me a curious look. I found Itachi and ran over to him. "Hey" I smiled, he turned around "hello" he simply replied "um how are you" I asked, trying to have a conversation.

"I'm ok as well as Sasuke" I didn't even notice Sasuke in his arms. "It turns out there were no casualties in the clan. That is some good news", he said.

I smiled at that, "ya some good news" we tried to talk about the good thing that happened. We knew this day would be engraved in our minds. We talked for a bit before I went to talk to others.

There were so many people here that I had no idea who to talk to. I decided to not even think about it and went to find Kakashi. He just lost his sensei after he lost his friends so I thought a small child could maybe make him feel a little better. But there was one problem.

Again. There were so many people.

So I went back to where I came from. 'Let's see if I bump into anyone' I did it once I can do it again. I looked around for a bit but couldn't find anyone I knew. I was about to go back to my parents when I heard it. The whispering.

"What do you think happened"

"I don't know but I think it had to do with that Uchiha clan"

"Ya who else could release and control that monster"

"Did you hear there was an Uchiha child that was with lord 4th when this happened"

"Really wow. That's kinda suspicious"

I found my parents who I could guess also heard the whispers, they looked at me and I gave them a smile. They knew I heard it too.

We left as soon as we could without looking too disrespectful. It seems that we weren't the only one's with that idea because 20 others came with us.

I knew everything was going to change soon and I decided to take everything like a champ.

I was weak.

I knew that. But was I giving up. Hell nah.

My mom promised me that she would train me so I was going to make sure that when I needed it I would protect myself and my family.

I promised that I will survive.

I know I know short chapter but don't worry the next one will be a lot longer.

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