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More days passed and I was starting to leave the house more, only to go out on runs and when Lirra practically drags me out to go to the mall. But that's about about it, I spend most of my time in my room, publishing more covers.

I get tagged in photos of Zach and fan edits that get made and I'm pretty sick of it because I don't want anything to do with them. There are more photos of Zach and that girl and it really pisses me off when they mention me in the comments. So I decided to say something. I went live on Instagram and waited until there was about nine hundred people watching. "Ok, now to get to the point." I whispered to myself. "Now, as all of you guys know, I'm back in Australia and I've quit my job in LA and I'm back to doing my covers. Why have I moved to back to Australia? Is because of the rumors of Zach and the girl in Texas and I thought it would be better if I moved back. So can everyone just please, stop tagging me in photos and videos of them and the "evidence" that he did hook up with another girl because it hurts me way too much." At this point I was crying. "I miss the boys very much, even Zach, but I don't want to be apart of them or have anything to do with them at all. I'm going to say that I'm happy for Zach that he has found someone better then me and he has moved on and I'm trying to do the same. So please, stop mentioning me in comments and photos and videos because I don't want to be apart of the bullshit. That's all I have to say because I'm sick of it. Thanks." I said and ended the live.

Tears fell down my cheeks like tiny little streams. I went over to my keyboard and start to play a song once again.

"I let it fall, my heart

And as it fell, you rose to claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
My hands, they were strong
But my knees were far too weak
To stand in your arms
Without falling to your feet
But there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true
And the games you'd play
You would always win, always win
But I set fire to the rain
Watched it pour as I touched your face
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name
Your name."

I sighed as I leaned back into my chair and pressed the keys down. "Allirah, there's someone to see you." Dad said from my door.

"Send them in."

"I'm not letting them in. They're at the front door."

I got up with a huff and followed dad down the stairs. He turned into the lounge room and I opened the front door to see Zach. I looked down at the ground and folded my arms across my chest. "Can I help you?" I asked him quietly.

"Please come back." He whispered.

Dad walked past and he went out the door, "I'm just going to the supermarket." He told me and I nodded and turned back to Zach.

"Why, so you can just show her off?"

"Can you please let me explain!"

"Social media has done enough of that!" I said and turned on my heel and walked into the house. Zach followed. Thank god we were home alone. "No! Social media is wrong! Just listen to me!"

"You know what! I actually trusted you on this trip! And then you go off to hook up with some girl!"

"That girl is named Kay, and she is a friend I haven't seen in a long time!"

"You said that about Kiara as well! I don't know if I should believe you because you keep on lying to me!

"This time, I'm not, I promise you."

"I'm still not convinced."

"Can you just hear the story from me."

"You're gonna tell me that you and her are just friends?"

"Yes, because it's the truth."

I shook my head at him and went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. "You deserve someone so much better then me." I said quietly.

"Stop saying shit like that! Why? Why should I find someone else that isn't you?"

"I overreact like you said three months ago! I get jealous easily! Find someone who can trust you!"

"You're saying you don't trust me?"

"For the past ten minutes, yes I have."

"Allirah, I promise you, she is a friend that I haven't seen in a long time."

"Ok, so you guys are friends, then where were the boys."

"They didn't want to come. This Dallas I'm talking about. My hometown, where I grew up for fifteen years, where I made friends and I wanted to see them again."

"So why did you just hang out with her."

"Believe me, there were other people with us."

It was quiet between us. "What about you singing with her?"


"You were singing with her, it's all over Instagram."

"She invited me to sing with her and I wanted to sing. You know how much I love singing."

"I'm still not very convinced."

"Please, Allirah."

"No, can...can you please leave." I said pointing to the door. "Go away Zach, get out!"

"No, I wanna make things right!"

I rolled my eyes and walked past him and walked out the front door. "Where are you going?" He asked me, following me outside.

"If you're not leaving, then I am." I said as I opened my gate and stepped onto the path and closed it again. "Allirah! This is your house!"

"I don't care! You're not leaving so I will."

"Allirah! Stop being silly!" He yelled as I stepped onto the road. "Come back here please!"

I turned around to face him. "Why should I? Why don't you go back to Los Angeles? Why don't you go back to that girl?"

"Because you're my girl! And I don't want to lose you!"

I stood there frozen in my place. I was his girl? But what about Kay? I bit my lip from stop it from trembling. "Please, come back to LA."

I didn't move.

"Get off the road!" He yelled.

I still didn't move. I was processing things. The next thing, I heard a loud car horn and then a very sharp pain in the side and I hit the road. I heard Zach scream my name and the last thing I saw was him running towards me and scooping me up in his arms where I feel safe. "Allirah! Stay with me!" He yelled with his eyes full of tears. He placed a hand on my cheek and pulled my closer to hi body. "I'm tired Zach." I whispered.

"No, just hang on a minute. I'm going to get help." He sobbed an then he screamed for help. People came rushing out of their homes to see what the boy was yelling about and then there were chatter everywhere. "I'm onto the ambulance." Someone said.

"Can I close my eyes now?" I asked Zach.

"No, just hold on for a few more minutes."

I heard sirens fill the air and now people were starting to gather around us. My eye lids were becoming heavy and I wanted to close my eyes. "No, Allirah, please stay awake."

"I'm...trying." I said, but I couldn't keep my eyes open.

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