1: Charlotte Kloss

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We were all stood around as the party was in full swing celebrating the start of filming the new film. We do this for every film and the whole cast gets together and we party and dance and drink... drinking is a big one. And everyone just has a good time before we have to be focused on work for the next few months.

I was with Florence and Scarlett and Lizzie was just about to make her way over to us after making her rounds saying hello to the producers and directors. She's so polite and sweet that she can't leave if they keep talking to her so it always takes her the longest time.

Flo and I were messing around and Scarlett was looking unimpressed by our antics, to say the least. But secretly I knew she found us hilarious she just didn't want to admit it. "I feel like I brought Rose to the party." She comments as Flo and I hit each other back and forth. We've known each other for years. We went to the same boarding school in London for musical theatre and performance. And were best friends. "Quit it." She says finally standing in between us, just in time because Flo was starting to hurt me. She could hit so hard.

"Hey, Guys," Lizzie said finally joining us greeting us all with a bright smile. "Hi, glad you finally made it.' "I was busy... Talking." She says tucking her hair behind her ear. "We're not all rude Scar. Don't just show up and go straight to the bar." Evans joined us now. We began making our group as more of us joined. We tried to stay together, we enjoyed each others company.

"Anna said the new girl should be here," Lizzie informs us. There's a new character joining the avengers... we have yet to meet her or be told who it was. Apparently, she's big in England so Flo and I have been trying to work out who it might be but we keep coming up with no one... we're not very good being detectives. It's meant to be a surprise so I'm assuming it was someone huge. Which made me kind of nervous. "I've not seen her yet... She's not been in the offices." "She's been performing on broadway so her schedule only just cleared," Robert says. We looked at him confused. "I was in the office when she was on a conference call with James and Anna a few weeks back." They were the directors of the movie... Well, two of them. "So you saw her?" He nodded sipping his drink.

"Who is it?" We all asked looking at him. We all have been dying to know. "She's here." He pointed over to the girl walking in.

"NO FUCKING WAY," Florence said pushing her drink into Mackie's chest before running to the girl. I couldn't see her face as Flo was blocking my view they hugged each other tightly and spun around. I saw a glimpse of the long glossy hair and flashbacks from school came running through my head. They walked over and she had her perfect smile on display. Now I understand why it was a big surprise and why they didn't tell us. Especially Flo and I.

"CHARLOTTE!" I say hugging her tightly. "Tommy." She sang happily holding me back. "So you all know each other?" Evans said amused. "We went to school together." We say in unison. Flo and I stood either said of Charlotte. I haven't seen her in years, she got so busy scouted straight out of school into the biggest productions. We kept in contact texting and we'd meet up when we could but I've not seen her properly for a long, long whilst.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte, it's lovely to meet you all." She said with a smile. "You too. You've been this big secrete for months now!' Evans said hugging her, her tiny frame disappearing against his muscular chest. "I'm Chris." He says when he lets her go. "I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it. It's been crazy in London." She says moving on to Lizzie. Lizzie looked nervous, which was normal for Lizzie, she was shyer and reserved until you knew her. They shook hands. "Elizabeth but people call me Lizzie." "People call me Lottie," Charlotte said back. "Lottie Kloss..." Scarlett said with a look in her eyes that I was struggling to read right now. She was seemingly familiar with Lottie, or her work at least.

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