7: It's Not Your Job

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I heard my front door open and I slowly sat up in bed listening. I heard the door close again. I pulled the sheets off of me and put my feet on the floor sitting up. Slowly I rise to my feet trying to make as little sound as I could. My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't have a weapon to defend myself, I didn't think my apartment would get broken into.

I creep into the hall and go to the main part of the apartment and I see the familiar blonde hair. "You gave me a heart attack," I say to her holding my chest looking at her. "Sorry." She said looking at me. "Are you okay?" I asked unsure now I had a minute to process what was happening. That I was safe and it was Scarlett here. If she was here sneaking in at 4 am something had to be wrong. "I couldn't sleep." "So you drove here?" I asked confused, I yawned and leant against the counter. "I... Yeah." "Then come to bed." I leave her going into my room leaving the door open for her to come in.

I got comfortable again holding my pillow on my side how I slept without someone in my bed. I got into the normal habit of sleeping on my back because Scar liked to lay on my chest. I feel the bed sink beside me. The room was dark so I didn't see her come in. "Lottie?" I stayed quiet. "Are we in a fight?" She asked me. "What are we fighting about Scarlett?" I asked rolling over. "I don't know. You seemed annoyed." "You asked me too many questions," I tell her. "I'm sorry, I just." She sighed. "Go to sleep Scar...I'm tired. I know you are too." I tell her rolling back over.

"Sleep Scar," I say feeling her eyes on me. "Sorry." She mumbled.


When the sun began to shine through my curtains I woke up. "Morning Scar," I mumbled sitting up. "Scar?" I looked over my shoulder. "Scar?" I got out of bed. "Scarlett?"

She was in the kitchen. "You're never up before me." "Didn't sleep that's why." "Why?" She shrugged. "Baba?" "Don't call me that." She snapped. "You need some sleep if you think you can pass with talking to me like that." I raised my eyebrow at her. "Whatever." She said.

I went to walk away but changed my mind, I went behind her and hugged her. "Come to bed," I tell her softly. "Rose comes home tomorrow, you should be rested." "I have to go home... When Rose comes back." "Yeah, but I'll visit and Chris said he'd be over and Lizzie and Flo and Tom, we'll be there." "The house is trashed." "Let's go to bed Scarlett," I tell her spinning her on the chair and helping her stand up.

"The windows and all our things. Her toys." "Baba, let's go to bed." I lead her through to my room and lay her down. I laid with her and she came into my side immediately. She sobbed into my neck, I cradled her head and stroked her hair. When I knew she was asleep, in a deep enough sleep that I could move from her. I put my pillow in place of me and she snuggles into it. I cover her properly with the blankets and go into the spear room.

I called Evans and filled him in on what she told me. He came straight over. "How long do you think she'll be sleeping for?" "An hour maybe two." "Come to her place with me for an hour, be back before she wakes up. Help me get some of Rose's things together." I looked into my room to see her sleeping. "Quick," I say we rushed out I had Scar's shoes on that were by the door. I got in Chris' car and we quickly went to Scars that was only 10 minutes away if that.

I wasn't expecting to see the house this way. The glass windows by the door were completely smashed and photos were all over the house their frames broken, Rose's toys destroyed.

"I'll get Rose's things if you clean up." He nodded and I went Rose's room. I packed some of her clothes and found some toys that weren't completely broken. I go into Scar's room, nothing was salvageable. Her clothes destroyed her personal things were ruined. I felt sick. Luckily some of her things are at mine so at least she has some clothes with her.

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