44: Sick Day

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I can't sleep on nights Lottie is working, I'm terrified that Colin will come over. I lay on the sofa and wait until I hear her come in before closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep. I know it's here because she is normally humming a song softly, it's a different song every day, I assume it's whatever she was listening to when she gets out of the car. When I heard her humming I'd 'sleep'. Sometimes she'd just lay down with me too tired herself to go upstairs and we'd snuggle on the large sofa. Other days she'd go off around the house before coming back and carrying me to bed she definitely knew I wasn't sleeping but she never said anything. She'd lay me in bed and go into our bathroom leaving the door open so I could see her, she'd wash her face and brush her teeth before she'd come back into me. She's always peck my cheek before she went around to her side of the bed and climbed in, she'd pull my body close to hers and I'd wrap my limbs around her and then have a few hours of sleep before my alarm went off for work. Lottie would always get up with me and eat breakfast... It's would be the only time we'd have together that day, it was sweet of her to do that. Once we ate she'd go back to bed whilst I got ready to leave.

But tonight was different. She didn't come and check in the lounge she went straight upstairs. She wasn't humming when she came in either. And then she came rushing down the stairs and back out the door. I sat up when I heard the door close again, completely confused about what the hell was happening. I went to the door and looked out on our drive to see her getting back in her car and pulling off.

"Lottie?" I say into my phone. "I'll be back." She tells me. "Are you okay?" "Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay." "You don't sound okay? It's 5in the morning baby come home." "I just need to go somewhere first... Get some sleep." "I can't sleep Lottie, you just rushed out of the house and acted weird. That warrants for me to be worried enough not to be able to sleep." I tell her. "I know, I'm sorry baby." "Lottie, what's going on?" "My mum... I'll be home soon okay." "Lottie where are you going?" I didn't want her going to some crack house alone at 5 in the morning. She had been paying for her mum's apartment since Christmas and Vanessa had contacted her three times for money because she's gotten in bad situations... Lottie's the type of person that no matter how many times you fuck her over she'd be there... she's the same with her mum. But it's dangerous she shouldn't be going there alone. "I'll be fine." "Lottie," I warned. "She needs some money, I'm just going to pay a guy off." "Charlotte that's dangerous you shouldn't be getting involved with it all." "What do you want me to do Scarlett? Let them kill her? Let them beat her? Rob her? Put a target on her back?" "It's not your job to take care of her." "I'll call you when I've finished okay." I heard shouting and a gunshot. "Lottie?" "I'm fine, just a rough side of LA." "Lottie stay in your car and turn it around right now!" "I love you. And I'll be home within the hour." She hung up knowing I'd continue to argue with her about this. It was too dangerous for her to be doing this.


I ran over to her the minute she walked through the door. I examined her making sure she wasn't hurt. "I'm okay. I'm okay." She assured me. I cupped her face in my hands. "Never do that again!" I shoved her. "She needed me." "She needs help," I tell her walking away. I was pissed at her. "What would you have done if you got hurt? Or witnessed something and had to testify? We could have lost you." She looked sorry but I was too pissed at her to care about what she was feeling right now. "You're so impulsive!" She stood and listened to me not saying anything. "My god! I don't get why you always run to her aid." I rubbed my face. "You need to stop doing this. You need to stop." I tell her firmly. "She's my mum Scarlett... If she needs help I'm going to go help her." "She's going to get you hurt." "I went to pick her up. Take her to a rehab centre... That's what she needed help with." She tells me softly, not annoyed that I had just been shouting at her like she was a child. "I'm sorry I scared you, I just had to be quick. Mum changes her mind about these things in seconds... I wanted to get her help." I nodded understanding. "I'm sorry," I mumbled she smiled pulling me in for a hug. "You think she'd going to get clean?" "Let's hope so... Because I told her this is the last time I'm coming." "You mean it?" "What's going to happen in the future, when we have a baby and she calls. I can't just leave to go fix her mess... I can't keep doing it, you're right. I know you're right. So yeah I mean it because I don't want anything to distract me from us." I nodded she was still holding me close to her. "I'm calling you in sick today. You've had no sleep, you can't go and work." She tells me. "I'm fine," I assured her. The whole of production would stop for the day. "Everyone will be grateful. Hemsworth and Hiddleston are pulling a double." She pecked my head. "I'll run us a bath and we can just have a chill day okay." I nodded knowing I wasn't winning this argument and she was right, I was exhausted.

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