41: Date Night

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I watched Lottie dance around the lounge. We were currently having a storm so she couldn't get to the studio so our Lounge is now a studio. Rose was In England still for school so it was just Lottie and me at home. It's been a boring morning. We've had to cover all the windows and doors in case the glass smashes and we've put sandbags around the doors and garage. With the Storms in LA it's more than likely they'll be flooding.

I admired her as she practised. She noticed me and got all awkward stopping. "Carry on." "I can't when you watch me." She said blushing. "You can dance in front of 100's of people but not in front of me. "That's different." She began to move the furniture back. 'How long will we be stuck inside for?" She asked. "Few days maybe." I helped her move the sofa back to where it was meant to be. "Has Rose-y called?" "No, not yet." She pouted. "She's been gone 2 days." "Exactly." She said flopping down on the sofa pulling me down with her. "You're obsessed with my child." "She's my only friend. Of course, I'm obsessed with her." We both laughed. "I'm also obsessed with her mum." "I heard she's super hot." "She's not bad... Getting old these days." I hit her in her chest. "Ow." She laughed holding my arms down so I couldn't hit her again.

We didn't do much for the rest of the day. She went to shower and then we put the fire on in the lounge and we watched movies, she played with my hair whilst we laid there on her chest. It was nice to have downtime. No work, no Rose, no paps, no commitments, events, dinner, Nothing. Just us with a film snuggling on the sofa.

"Scar?" "Mhmm," I say enjoying the moment too much to look up at her. "Shall we do date night?" I looked at her with a frown. If she thought I was leaving the house in this downpour she has another thing coming. "We're on an amber weather warning we shouldn't leave the house." She chuckled. "I'm not stupid, I meant a home date. Cook a nice dinner, dress up a little. We haven't had a chance in weeks because of filming." She explained. "You wouldn't have to do anything. You can relax get ready. I'll sort it." "I'll help."


I didn't help. Hunter called me and I get distracted on the phone for like 2 hours. I don't get to speak with him much so when I could we got lost in the conversation and I forget I'm meant to be doing other things, like cooking or picking my daughter up from her dance class.

"Scar?" Lottie came in dressed in a black bodycon dress that was one shoulder strap. She looked stunning, her hair was clipped back in a claw clip, the ends were curled. "Sorry I got carried away on the phone." I apologised. "It's okay," She said smiling at me. "Dinner's nearly ready." "I'm sorry." "Really it's fine. Just wanted to let you know so you can get ready. If you still want to I mean." "Yeah of course...Are you okay?" I asked she seemed on edge. "Me?" "Yeah." Chuckled. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm going to get dressed- No I'm not. I'm going to finish dinner." Something was up with her. "Hunter, I'm going to call you back. I need to get ready for dinner." "Is she okay? She seemed off." "Yeah, She's just being weird," I say unsure myself. She seemed nervous. Maybe it was the storm? She's not used to them.

I went into our dressing room and picked out a dress. Lottie had left the curler out so I used it before packing it away and adding a little bit of make-up to my face. I didn't go all out as we were still staying home just the two of us. But she was right we haven't had a date night in a while. Filming for the new Marvel film we were on crazy schedules and when I have a few days off I try and fly out to see Rose meaning I'm away from her even more. I was worried we'd, well she'd get bored or lose interest with me not being around as much not seeing me. We've not had sex in weeks because we've either not been home at the same time or just been exhausted. I tried the other night but she said she was too tired and rolled over, she didn't even cuddle. But it was her idea to have a date night so maybe it wasn't because she lost interest she was just tired.

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