59: Car Journeys

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Scar and I sat back and watched our youngest act in a scene together, they were playing younger versions of us. Noa as me and EB as Scar, well Nadia and Natasha our MCU characters.

They were girls in the red room and it was an amazing feeling watching them do what they loved and getting excited as they did it. They were so focused on their task they didn't even look towards us. It was just one scene for mine and Scar's final film for MCU. It's been the only film she's done since EB was born. She was excited to do it but she made it clear she was participating in minimum amounts of events.


We were in the car laughing, singing with one another having a good time. We were on our way back to RDJ's birthday celebration, we had so much fun the girls loved every second of it and we were all still hype from the day. Chris was on facetime with Rose and they sang together. The youngest two joined in. I smiled looking at Scarlett as she sang along too. God, I loved her. I squeezed her leg and she reached for my head bringing it to her lips not taking her eyes off the road and pecking it. "Love you." She mumbled against my hand. "Love you too." I tell her with a cheesy smile on my face.

We had a long drive back home so it was nice that it was full of fun and joy and the girls wasn't getting bored in the back arguing. With them being a simile age argues would start a lot however they were also super close too so it was a coin flip with how they'd be together that day.

I felt pure bliss as I sat there enjoying the sounds of my family. Mine. A warm feeling filling me up and overflowing with love. It was a good way to end an incredible day.


"Mum they're still following us," Rose says from the backseat. I looked over my shoulder to see they were indeed still following us. We had paps on our trail three of four cars it was too dark to tell. Scar was driving and she hated driving with Paps around normally I would drive because I know how panicked she got about it. "It's fine, baby. Just stay looking forward." I tell her smiling at my three girls in the back seat.

We had been out all day dodging paps. We went out for RDJ's birthday he had this whole thing set up and it was great. So much fun, we were at a water park this morning, a Tikki bar this afternoon which brought back memories of Scarlett's 30th birthday when we were away in Hawaii. Rose remembered so much of that trip she spoke about it like it happened yesterday. We were back in LA because of filming for MCU and paps have no boundaries here whatsoever, the government need to put laws in place to protect us because we're currently being followed home which isn't a nice feeling. Especially not when we have our sleeping children in the car.

I rested my hand on Scar's leg. "Can we pull over and switch?" She asked. "Yeah, if you want, baby," I say with a smile. She pulled over and just as I was about to open my door headlights blinded us all, I hear Rose scream and then our car got hit by something that was bigger than a car. I had no seatbelt on so I braced myself my arm going from my seat to Scars to stop Rose from falling into the windshield who was in the middle seat. Our children scream haunted me as we rolled, the pain was too great to even comprehend it. When we stopped moving it was complete darkness and the car alarm was going off.

"Muma?" Rose said. "You're okay baby, just don't move okay," I tell her firmly, she could have spinal injuries or anything. I tried to reach my phone that was on the floor now, not looking around the car to take in any injuries I just needed to call an ambulance and get us all checked out. 

My head was pounding and my ears were ringing. "Girls? Are you okay?" I asked as my fingertips grazed my phone, I just hoped it worked. "Girls?" "EB? EB wake up." Rose said her voice trembling. "It's going to be okay. "Noa, baby? Are you okay?" I asked her softly. "Yeah." She mumbled. "My head hurts." "Okay, can you stay very still baby and keep talking to me. Tell me about the party." "The party?" I could hear how drowsy she was in the way she slurred her words together. I got my phone and dialled 911 and they were sending someone out.

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