16: London: Day One

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I smiled down at her as she slept her head rest on my shoulder. Rose was sat with her Dad elsewhere on the plane and Lottie and I sat together. She wasn't best pleased seeing him here but she hid her dissatisfaction rather well. Colin was less mature about the situation. Rose was happy she was here.

The seatbelt sign came on. "Lottie." I nudged her but she just snuggled into my side more. I did my belt. "Ma'am, could you please do your wives belt please?" "Yeah." I didn't correct her and reached over and did it up. "It's just me," I tell her. "The seatbelt sign came on, we're going through turbulence." She nodded laying her head back down. "How long do we have left?" She asked. "A few hours yet." "Is Rose okay?" "Yeah, she's used to flying." "Okay." She was still half asleep. "Go back to sleep baby." I kissed the top of her head. "Yeah." I chuckled she wasn't listening to me.

I must have dozed off myself because I was woken up by a flight attendant. "Would you like any food?" "Um." "Lottie... Lottie?" She sat up and looked at me. "Yeah?" "You want your food?" "Yeah." She said clicking her neck. "Yes please," I say with a smile. She handed us our in-flight dinners. They were never the best but it was something.

We ate, Lottie was so pouty and half asleep. "You're cute when you're tired." "If I wasn't hungry I'd still be asleep." She said feeding herself with her eyes closed. I chuckled at her and continued to eat leaving her be and not talking. When we were finished and the rubbish was taken she laid down completely her legs tucked close to her on her seat and her head on my lap. "This okay?" She asked looking up at me. I nodded with a smile. I brushed through her hair with one hand and the other I leant on the armrest to lean my head on so I could get some sleep too. If we were in LA it would have been bedtime. Not that, that matters because we have messed up sleeping patterns due to shooting but hey that's okay.


When we got to the hotel one of the lifts were out of service making the cue for the other life extra long. Lottie offed to take my bags up to my room as Rose was asleep in my arms and I was not taking help from Colin.

I followed her up the stairs and a worker lead the way for us showing Colin to his room first. And then took me and Rose and my room. Lottie booked her own room because Rose getting confused about the whole girl dating a girl thing and didn't want to put ideas in her head. it was considerate of her but when I saw the large comfy bed I just remembered the first night I met her laying in the fluffy sheets with her and waking up with my arm around her.

"Knock before you go for dinner." She told me. "I'm next door I think." She said putting the cases down. Colin walked into the room like it was his no knocking or anything. Lottie looked a little shocked but didn't say anything. "Rose's case." He handed it to me, Lottie took it from me putting it by mine, I still had Rose in my arms what did he want me to do with it.

"Thanks." I smiled at her. "Where's your room?" "Next door," Lottie said. "You should go to it." He was being rude to her. "I will when you leave." "Look you little bitch." He began and Lottie challenged him to go on showing how she wasn't scared of him. "You keep your fucked up shit from my daughter." "Whatever you want." She smiled and stepped back as Colin was close to her. She wasn't scared of him but a man calling you a bitch standing over you isn't the nicest experience in the world.

"Leave then." "No." "You scared I'm going to hurt her?" "The doors open people are walking past, stop it." She said with a calm face not showing how annoyed she was at him. "I'm trying to help you guys. I'm not here to do anything else. So leave." She told him flatly. He did leave.

She waited a few moments let me put Rose down. "Lock the door behind me." She said taking her case. I nodded wrapping my arms around myself. "He's not going to touch you." She told me, she was so sure of it. I nodded. She cupped my face. "I mean it Scar. I won't let him. I'm right next door." I blinked back my tears. She kissed my cheek.

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