10: Stunt Day

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"What is going on between Lizzie and Scar?" Flo asked when we sat down for breakfast. "Don't even," I say over the whole situation already. "What happened?" "Lizzie and I are dating." "Oh I know, I heard you." I choose to ignore her comment and her smirk. "Get some." She nudged me. "You're not funny," I tell her shovelling fruit in my mouth. I didn't have time for this.

"Well, Scar is jealous I think. And Lizzie doesn't trust her. So it's tension city." "And you're still talking to Scarlett?" She asked shocked. I nodded putting my bowl in the sink. "Have you seen my slippers?" "Lounge." I go in there and see my pointe shoes on the coffee table. I hold them in my hands. "And Lizzie's fine with it." "She trusts me. But it's creating tension so I'm minimising it... Just for work purposes... I have to stay professional." I remind her. I triple check my dance bag. I was at the Nutcracker rehearsal today. It was the week before the shows. I have no free time. I've not seen Lizzie in person in three days because our schedules for filming are so different. And when I'm not filming I'm dancing.

"I have to go." I kissed Flo's cheek. "Home for dinner?" "No on set." "You need sleep at some point, you just came from the set." I was tying my hair in a bun as putting my feet in my trainers. "Yeah, I will." I rushed out of the apartment and down to my car. I probably shouldn't be driving with the little amount of sleep I'm running on but I needed to get to dance.



I sat with Tom at lunch. "I'm worried about her, she's going to burn out," I tell him. "She's used to it. With the farm, she never slept anyway." "But this is serious stuff. She has a big scene last shoot before Christmas." "She's prepared for it don't worry." He assured me, I chewed on my nails not believing him. I haven't seen her in person in a few days and when we facetime she's rushing around or she is so tired she can't even keep the conversation going.

She needed rest. "But you'll make her sleep." "She's at the theatre now, she's coming to work straight from there-"Then back to the studio to run her dance. Then she has a fitting. Then she's picking up her ballet slippers for the show. Then I have a 30-minute window to see her." "You missed her training for the big stunt." He said adding to my stress levels.

"Where do you suggest I tell her to sleep in that jam-packed schedule? Because I and Flo have been-"Scarlett fell!" Robert said running through the back rooms. We all jumped up and follow him. If someone falls on set it's typically a big deal. Normally people get hurt.

She was holding her knee on the floor and medical was looking at her. "I want to get it x-rayed." "I can't... I have to pick Rose up." "Colin can get him," Mark suggested. "No... I have to get her today."

My phone started to ring, it was Lottie. "Hi babe, this isn't a good time," I say. "What's up? I thought you were on a break?" She sounded disappointed. "Scarlett fell, hurt her knee she's refusing to go to the doctors." "It's her day to get Rose, that's why." How did she know that? "Tell her to go... I'll go get Rose." "Lottie you're busy." "Just tell her for me. Please." "Okay," I say sighing.

"Scarlett, Charlotte offered to pick up Rose," I inform her. "You should go get that knee looked at." We made eyecontact. "Thanks." I nodded. "She's going." "Okay, where are you going to take her?" "To work, I'll pick her up on my break and then come back. She'll be fine." "Okay." "I'll see you tomorrow." "You're stressing," I tell her. "I'll be fine. I'll see you at home, my love." She hung up quickly.

She doesn't need the added stress of having a child with her whilst she worked right now. "Let's wrap for the day guys. Go to costume, go home."

We all did as intrusted. I went to the theatre.

I was let in and went through and saw her on the stage with Rose. She was teaching her some of the steps, she was smiling she wasn't frowning as she had been for the past two weeks.

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