52: Time

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Lottie hasn't let the girls out of her sight. Not that Rose wanted to be away from either one of us. She was older now, she understood more we couldn't just lie to her. EB was in an arm reach of Lottie at all times she'd take her to the bathroom with her to the kitchen. She wouldn't leave her. Colin got to EB, he knew that's the way to get to Lottie and I, through the kids. So she wouldn't leave her.

The only time she did was when she went with Robert to talk to the police and give them a full report. I went earlier in the day, they came to speak to Rose when RDJ and Lottie left. I wathed over EB. When she came back she was really shaken up but she put on a front. "Muma. Muma." EB said pulling herself up on her sofa to walk. Lottie picked her up, pecking her head. "Hi, my sweet girl." She says looking at EB.

She came over to me on the floor and sat close to me. She placed EB down so she could play. "Do you guys want dinner?" Susan asked. "Not hungry." Lottie said. "Dinner would be nice." I say with a smile. Susan nodded and went to the kitchen.

We ate together, Lottie didn't eat, She fed EB instead. She kept a smile on her face as she interacted with the girls, comforting Rose, amking EB feel like everything was normal despite not being at home. After dinner we did bathtime with EB together like we did every night. RDJ convinced Lottie to let her sleep in the crib, so she could get some rest. It was no lie to say she looked like shit.


I walked into our shared room when she was changing and i saw the full extent of her injuries, brusies from hands holding her down, bigger ones on her legs from where she had banging her body against things in the fight. Her neck was marked up the worse he was strangling her, his hand print was clear as day now her hoodie wasn't covering some of her neck.

She saw me and pulled a hoodie on but I stopped her. "Scar, please." I took the hoodie from her hands and put it on the bed. I traced the marks on her neck just grazing over them. She bit her bottom lip between her teeth stopping it from wobbling. "What happened?" I asked her. "I can't." She said. "Did he, um... Did he?" I couldn't get my words out, I couldn't say it. "Yeah..." She breathed out. "He did." She gasped for a breath and then her tears fell, she hid her head in the crook of my neck and I craddled it. "I can't go home. I can't go back there. And EB's not going back there either." "Okay, okay baby." I told her sitting us down on the bed. "We don't have to go back there." I assured her cupping her face so she'd look at me.

"We'll find somewhere to stay okay. We'll get a new home. And it'll be okay. Because Colin has gone now. He's gone." "He hurt you for years..." "You saved me from that... You. On Rose's birthday you didn't let him touch me. you didn't even know me." I kissed her forehead. "Let me look after you for a while... You've done a good job with protecting us... Let me do the same for you." I softly rubbed my thumb against her cheek. She took a deep breath. "I just want EB." She says standing up abruptly and pulling her clothes on.

"No ones going to hurt her." "He nearly did! Okay. I just want my daughter." She held her hand up stopping me from getting close to her stopping me. She stepped backwards finding the door handle. "I just want her." "Lottie, she's sleeping let her rest." I tried. She shook her head. "Lottie's she's safe." "stay back." She told me firmly. "Okay. Okay." Robert came up the stairs. "Lottie. What's wrong kiddo?" "I just want EB." "Okay... How about we let EB sleep and when she wakes up you can go get her." "No I need her now." "Okay." Robert spoke softly as he got closer to her. She was edging closer to an emotional break and I haven't seen Lottie have one. She witnessed plenty of mine... She's been there bringing me back every single time.

"Charlotte, look at me." Robert asked her. "I just want my baby." "Okay, Scarlett's going to get her." He nudged her head in the direction of the girls room and I went in and checked on Rose she was fast asleep and then I picked up EB, she stirred a little but settled in my arms.

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