26: Funeral

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"Charles Kloss is my grandpa, he raised me when my parents couldn't and I could never repay him for that sacrifice of putting his life on hold and raising my brother and me. Grandpa did everything for other people, he was a selfless humble man and he was a big part of everyone's lives here today. He was, is an amazing man that will be missed greatly.

I never felt discouraged by him or limited, he told me to reach for the stars and he picked me up giving me a boost to do that. Because that was the kind of man he was and I hope he offered everyone here that same boost and showed you all here today to do the same so we can all go into the world and spread love and encourage people the way he did. So the world doesn't miss out on... On having Charles Kloss around.

He was my grandpa, my teacher, my best friend, my dad, he was everything I needed all wrapped up in one human being and he did his best to make sure I felt loved and protected every day of my life... And... I um... I never got to thank him for that, I would have never been able to repay him for what he did for me but I will live every day for him to make him proud. I love you pops." I still had so much left to say but I was battling tears and I couldn't keep going. I walked back down to the seats and sat between Raffie and Florence, I held both of their hands and rested my head on Raffie's shoulder pecking her cheek. "It's okay," I whispered to her she turned and I wrapped my arms around her. "Shh, I got you," I tell her crying myself.

I wanted nothing more than to be sat in the back of the church in my girlfriend's arms but I had to sit with the family. I looked over my shoulder and look at Scar who was cradling Rose on her lap. She offered a small smile her tears running down her cheeks. I looked away hating seeing her sad.

When the service was over we went to the burial site. We had a large family plot, Grams and Pops were hoping for more grandchildren than just Eddie and me. I tried not to look at Eddie's, or Dads or grams headstones and focus on the current funeral. Rose was crying for them to stop. "Excuse me," I tell Raffie placing her and Flo's hands in each other before ducking behind everyone and going to her.

"Hey, come here." I take her from Scarlett who was wrestling with her so she wouldn't run into the hole in the ground. "I got you. It's okay." I soothed her. "Make them stop." Maybe it wasn't such a good idea bringing her here she was only 8. Rose insisted she came, Scar and I weren't sure but she wouldn't let it go.

"Remember what I told you?" I touched her wrist where the bracelet was. She nodded. "He has to rest now okay," I tell her in a hushed voice as the priest was praying. She nodded. "We're going to be okay," I tell her sure of it. She hid her face in the crook of my neck, Scar wrapped her arm around my waist pulling me into her side she pecked my cheek. I leant my head on her shoulder. "Love you pop, pop," I whispered as he was finally laid to rest.


Tom's family and Florence's family both came back to the farm with Scar and me. "Thank you," Debbie said when I handed her a cup of tea. "Honey sit down for a bit," Nikki said. "I'm going to get some-"Sweetie sit down with your girl." I flicked my eyes to Scarlett. "Go on." She raised her eyebrow at me and I knew not to push it.

I sat with Scarlett on the love seat, Rose draped her legs over mine. "You two, I didn't see that coming. I thought you'd end up with that one." Harry, Tom's brother, said to me pointing to Florence who was sitting next to him. "Shut up, dude." Tom hit him. "Don't start boys." Their mum warned. "How are you two getting on?" I looked at Scarlett and then at Rose. "Um..." I said not really knowing how to answer we told Rose two weeks ago and we've been not really spoken about it with her since because of losing my grandpa. "I want to go to bed," Rose says. "Yeah, I'll take you, sweetie." I picked her up and went upstairs. "Your room." She pointed "I'm going, I'm going." I tell her kicking the door open.

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