51: I Want You

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Lottie was laid on my lap as we sat on the sofa in the family room. Rose was upstairs and EB was in bed after an eventful day. Today was her birthday, so we had a party for her. I couldn't believe she was one already, it had gone so fast. I ran my fingers through Lottie's hair as she lay on her phone she wasn answering emails. She was never not working and it annoyed me. She would never take a break for herself. She was either training, filming, learning lines, at researsal, profroming or answering emails. She was never just still.

The only time she was still was when I was pregant, she was just focused on me and my needs and then when EB was born she was attentive to her and her needs and work came second but slowly work was taking over her time again. "You think you could put the phone down for a little?" I asked her pausing my actions of playing with her hair. She looked up from her phone. "What's up?" "Nothing." I say. "I just think you work too hard. It's 9pm and you're still working." "It's our life Scarlett, it's what we chose for ourselves." "Is it? Because I don't have my phone or a script glued to my hand 24/7... I wake up in the middle of the night and you're still awake answering emails." "Normally after I've woken up with EB." She tells me. "Well once she's asleep you're meant to go back to sleep." "Scarlett I feel like we argue about this every week." She sit's up. "Because you don't listen." "I'm listening, I've explained." "The girls are in bed and I want to spend time with my wife. But you're too busy on that thing." I take her phone from her hand. I was right she was answering emails. Though I didn't need to look at her phone to know that.

"Am I not good enough?" Her face softened instantly. I knew I messed up, we're back to me being all needy and I'm going to push her away. I'm going to make her leave. Just like Nessa said, just like mum told me. "You're more than enough for me Scar." She speaks softly as always. "Then why when the girls aren't here are you always working. I don't remember the last time we actually laughed together. Spent time alone. Had fricking sex." "I'll make time okay... I just need to figure a few things out work wise." She went to reach for her phone but i moved it from her reach. "Not good enough." "Scarlett, please." She held her hand out. "I'm trying to fix a problem right now." "What promblem? If theres a problem we should talk about it." "I have to go back to London. For work." I felt sick instantly. She had been putting off leaving. I've heard her on the phone arguing with her manger a million times over this past year. They want her to go home to do a show. But she kept saying no and reschedualling. "You want to go?" "No, I don't want to leave you and EB." Rose would be in London so at least shecould see one of us. "But if EB wasn't born you'd go?" "But she is and I don't want to think about a life without her in it." "Just answer me." "I would yes because you'd come with me." She tells me sure of her answer. We haven't flew with EB yet, she gets really restless when she sits still for too long. At Christmas my family came here to us because there was no way we'd be able to do the flight or the drive down there. "You miss preforming?" Broadway was in New York and The Westend was in London she had no where to preform in LA... No where that felt like home to her anyway. "Of course I do... But that doesn't mean I'm going to leave." She told me firmly.

"I'll sort it." She assured me. I handed her, her phone back. She laid down but left her phone laying on her chest. "Can you play with my hair again?" She asked smiling up at me. I felt guilty for holding her back from doing something she loved. Having a baby put a stop to a lot in her life. And I felt bad because- "Scar? Stop thinking so hard." She said touching my face gently rubbing her thumb against my cheek bringing me back to reality. I smiled at her and started playing with her hair again.

She closed her eyes as massaged her scalp. "You enjoying yourself?" I asked amused. "Yeah." Now she was relaxing. "I'm sorry I work so much... I just can't be doing nothing." I got that because of growing up on the farm there was always something to do. So she gets aggitated when she has nothing to do. "I get it, I just miss having you... You know the you that was fun." "Rude." She said chuckling. "I'm still fun." "Not since EB, you got all muma and serious." I pouted and she opened her eyes to look at me. "I just want to protect her." She says with a shrug.

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