57: Articles

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I danced around the lounge with my wife, the kids were napping and Scar and I had a few minutes to just be us again. We used to always dance when we first started to date, it was our own private dance floor. I spun her around holding her hand and she smiled enjoying herself.

"Mummy?" Rose said coming in from the farm. "Yes my sweet girl." She said stopping dancing, I wrapped my arms around her waist pressing her back to my front resting my head on her shoulder looking at the door waiting for Rose to come through.

"Theres people with camera's at the fences it's scarying the horses." She told us. "Are you okay?" Scar asked her moving from my embrace to check her over. "I'm okay." She said pushing her mum away from her. "But the horses aren't." She says. "I'll go." I tell her going to the mudroom to get my boots on. I was glad it was summer it wasn't too cold out.

I walked over to the fences seeing the group of people when they noticed me the cameras began flashing, i pulled my hair to cover my face. "Look this is private property and it's harmful to the animals so you need to leave. Off the property or I'll call the police." I say firmly. "No need for that we just one some photos." "It's private property, yu're invaiding my families privacy, you're breaking serval laws so please leave." I say trying to stay leavel headed. "Please leave the property." I say again before going into the stables to calm the horses.

"It's okay girl." I say stroking Luna's mane she was getting old now. "It's okay." I brushed my nose against her resting my hand flat on her side. She neighed and seemed to be calmer. "That's it, good girl." When I go back out the camera's were gone at least they listened. I went back inside. "All sorted." I tell them kicking off my shoes.


I was in the office doing work and clicked on an email of an article.

Lottie Kloss was seen for the first time since giving birth without her children on a date night with Wife scarlett. The couple were pictured at a high profile restruante before attending Inked in the VIP lounge.

Kloss was looking well after giving birth only 4 months ago, though people can see the differences in her body pre=pregancy to her body now.

I swallowed the lump in my throat seeing the comparisson photos from a date night with Scar before Noa was even a thought in LA and the pictures from this weekend just gone. It felt weird looking at them seeing the differences. My waist was a little bigger now, my hips wider, my thighs thicker. I didn't look like a ballet dance, I didn't have a small danity body anymore it had lumps and bumps where I didn't have them before.

I went on google and googled myself, reading hate comments about what people thought, some where nice others were completely horrid, so horrid pulling me apart. Some going as far to say I was fat. I knew I wasn't. But I defiently wasn't my old self anymore.

"Hey." I looked up from the computer quickly exiting the tabs off and smiling at Scarlett. "Dinners ready." "Okay." I nodded standing up from the desk. "Are you okay?" "Yeah just business emails." I tell her not completely lying.

We ate together as a family, once it was finished I asked Scar if she minded if I headed into town. I wanted to train, to get my body back my strength my skills. "Can you take me with you?" Rose asked. I nodded. "Where do you need to go?" "Hannah's." "Sure thing." "What are you going into town for?" Scar asked as I cleaned up the dishes with Noa in my arm. "Dance." "You sure the article then." She says. "What article?" I asked playing dumb. "Nothing." "Tell me?" I pretend wanting to know what she was talking about. "It was nothing." She dismisses it. "Okay." I smiled pecking her cheek.


I was in my ballet uniform my long hair tied back in a tight bun sercured with a net and pins to make sure it didn't move as I danced. I looked in the mirror, normally I wouldn't be examining what my body looked like but how it moved, if my toes were pointed if my lines were perfect, if my arms were strong, my elbows held up. But now If my waist was tight enough, if the fat on my legs wobbled when i jumped, if my arms were flabby or if they still looked toned.

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