21: Promise Me?

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We laid on the bed the thin sheet draped over our bodies that were wrapped around each other. We were in my London apartment, she had been visiting with Rose and I had just done my last show for the season. I'm skipping out on the summer shows to go to LA ready for press. We'd been dating for 3 months now, we haven't told anyone yet we want to just see how things work out between us. We had a few extra days here because Rose finishes school for the summer and we'll take her home with us. Scar get's two weeks with Rose before she'll be travelling for press meaning Rose will be with Colin for most of the summer, it's not ideal but it's her job.

I traced her scar with my fingertip whilst we lay there. She stopped tensing up when I touch it and she doesn't get emotional either which is progress. "Why are you so infatuated with it?" She asked me not lifting her head up from my chest. "Because you hate it... And every part of you deserves to be loved." I say she looked up at me so I looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. "You're too good for me." "You'll get sick of me soon enough." They always do.

"I don't think I will. I plan on making you mine forever one day." "It's only been 3 months." "And I've been waiting for this since the day I met you." I smiled at her, I felt guilty. "I'd wait forever to have this. With you." I pecked her lips. "One day you'll be Mrs Charlotte Johansson." "Or you could be Mrs Scarlett Kloss." I shoot back with a playful smirk. "Maybe... We'll just have to see won't we." "We will," I say smiling at her in complete bliss right now.

She was already thinking about our future which made me so happy. She actually saw a real future with me. "When Rose comes home I'm going to stay with Robert." She nodded. "We'll have to talk to Rose eventually." She tells me. I sit up slightly and reach for my top to pull over my body. "Yeah, I just don't want to rush it. She's just a kid. It'll be confusing." I say, being honest with her. "She's a clever kid, she'll figure it out." I got out of the bed and grabbed my underwear and slipped them on. "Do you want breakfast? I think I have the things for waffles in?" I asked changing the subject. "Yeah sounds good."

I went to the kitchen and got started on breakfast. "Lottie?" She asked coming in. "Do you not want to go official, official with us?" "Of course I do. But it's complicated. You have a kid, and we both need to put her first." She smiled at me. Her being goofy smile her cheeks going rosy as she looks at me. "What?" "Rose is a priority for you." She says almost shocked but also in an admiring tone. "Of course she is! She's your number one and that makes her mine too. I don't want her to get hurt in all of this." I know Rose is the most important thing in her life and I respect that and I wouldn't want to be the reason that she gets hurt, or is confused or the reason she pulls away from Scarlett.

"God how did I get so lucky." She hugged me. "I think I should be the one asking that question." I pecked her lips. "Now let me go before I burn your waffle," I say wiggling out of her arms.


"Scar you ready, baby?" I called to her standing in the hallway mirror putting my earrings in. "Yeah, two seconds." She called back. "You've been getting ready for two hours. What are you doing?" I asked turning and she was coming down the hall. "You look amazing!" I say pecking her cheek to avoid smudging her lipstick. "Don't look too bad yourself." She said smacking my butt. "Watch it."

I lead her out to my car and drive us to the rooftop restaurant where I booked our date. It was an exclusive place so we didn't have to worry about paps or people seeing us and starting rumours and ruining things for us.

"I told Pop's we'd stop by with Rose before we go to the airport." "Can we take her out on the horses?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, Grandpa is going to pick us up from the school so I can leave my car at the apartment." "Sounds good."

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