22: You Scared Me

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Lottie got out of bed and I opened my eyes to her pulling a hoodie on. "What time is it?" I whispered. "6." She said back her voice horsed and deeper, I loved her morning voice. "I want to help," Rose said half asleep. I smiled. "Shh, baby," I say pushing her head back down. "I want to learn mummy." "Get some sleep Scar." She says reaching over the bed to pick Rose up.

Rose and I were meant to stay in the spear room but she wanted to stay in Lottie's room. We all squeezed on the small double. I was in the middle having my girls on either side of me knowing they were safe made me sleep peaceful.

"We have to be quiet okay," Lottie warned Rose as she pulled a hoodie on her and helped her put socks on tucking her PJ's in them. They both looked cute as they left in their coats and PJ's. It was summer but it was still England so it wasn't the warmest place on the earth at this time of the morning especially.

I drifted back into a dreamless sleep spreading out on the whole bed cuddling a pillow in the process.


I came into the kitchen to see Rose drinking from a mug, that better be tea and not coffee. I raised an eyebrow. "It's tea." Lottie defended seeing my face. "Want some?" She asked holding the teapot up. "Coffee?" I asked and she got up and went to the counter to make me some. I sat in her seat, Charles was at the stove making the jam. It amazed me that this was their life. It was a lot of hard work but it made them so connected.

"The farmhands have been hired for when I'm gone," Lottie says coming back over to the table. "I'll get the guest house cleaned before I go." "Oh Lottie, you didn't have to hire someone. I could do it." "Grandpa in the nicest way possible, you're old and I need to make sure there are no more accidents. It's just the whilst I'm away. I'll be home in October ready for Halloween. And the pumpkin pickers. And you won't have to have the farmhands." "I don't need them now." He scolded her. She sighed rubbing her face.

"Mummy I collected the chicken's eggs today! And I milked a goat." Rose told me ignoring the disagreement that was going on. They were still debating it but I've argued with Lottie a fair few times and she always wins. "Wow, how was it? Did you have fun?" "Yeah tons. And I feed baby Natasha a bottle too." "You fed the cow. Wow. Awesome." "I can't wait to tell the girls at school."

"Either you have the farmhands or I stay home." She says finalising it. Charles raised an eyebrow at her and she raised one back. "You're too much like your grandmother." "So you'll allow them to help you then?" He nodded. "Perfect." She looked stressed but when I made eye contact with her she smiled before sipping her tea.

"Are you coming riding with us?" Rose asked me. "I'm going to help with the Jam," I tell her. "Cool, that means I can go fast," Rose said and I looked at Lottie pleading with her to keep my baby safe. "We should go get changed... Come on kiddo." She says. "What about breakfast?" "We ate already," Rose called as she ran down the hall and up the stairs. I could hear them giggling. "They're two peas in a pod," Charles says turning to face me. "Rose has been obsessed with Charlotte since before we met her." "Lottie adores her too." He told me sure of it. I was too. I see her play with her and read to her to help her with her homework. Rose even face-timed her the other day just to say hi. She of course didn't know I was with Charlotte but it was sweet. They had their own bond and I was glad Colin didn't ruin that.

"I'll go change and come help... I need to learn something around here." I tell him and he smiled and nodded dismissing me. I went up to Lottie's room where our bags were. Lottie wasn't in the room but Rose was getting dressed. "Where's Lottie?" "Bathroom, changing." She says still focusing on putting her jumper on. I went over to help her see she was struggling. "Thanks." She smiled at me.

"I really like it here mum." She tells me skipping off elsewhere in the large cottage that held so much character. If the walls could talk I'm sure it would be all good memories. Lottie came back into the room in her riding clothes. "You look so adorable in that," I tell her. And she rolled her eyes. "Thanks for doing this for Rose." "Anything to see that smile." She says. "Any tips on how to make jam?" "Keep stirring it or it will burn." She tells me as I changed. "Thanks."

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