55: Mum Life

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All three children were asleep. Lottie and I were in the bath together having a very rare moment alone. Both baby monitors were on the counter ready in case one of the babies woke up and our phones on the counter in case Rose messaged us. We had bubbles and wine and each other company, it was blissful.

I rubbed my foot on the side of her leg. "Just because we're married it doesn't mean your feet are allowed to touch me." She says amused. I chuckled she still hated feet. Except for our babies feet, she'd blow raspberries on EB's feet all the time making her giggle like crazy. "I was talking to Debbie at the hospital," I say, I wanted her to know that I knew she was in a bad place, I felt like I knew her deepest secrete and she had no clue. "That was lie two months ago." "I know, I just didn't know how to bring it up." She frowned. "She said you were one bad day from not being here...I didn't know you were in that bad of a place." She smiled taking my hand in hers looking at me. "I'm fine now though that's the important part right?" She asked and I found myself nodding. "But you'd tell me if you were like that again, you wouldn't hide it from me again would you?" "I won't be like that again because I have everything. I have you my amazing wife my beautiful little girls I don't need anything else to bring me happiness but the four of you." She tells me, not breaking eyecontact she was letting me in behind those walls of hers. "So unless your planning on kidnapping our kids and running away without me then I'll be just fine forevermore." I smiled softly. "I don't plan on doing that. Unless you don't make me breakfast again." "I'm a human milk machine right now okay, I haven't got time to make your breakfast in the morning." She says amused taking my other hand and pulling me so I would move to lean on her chest I turn around letting go of her hands my back pressing against her front I find her hands in the water and hold them again. "Human milk machine huh?" I say chuckling. "I can't wait for her to be on formula." "I told you to do formula," I say and playfully bit my shoulder not leaving a mark at all. "She latched straight away and it was great for like two minutes." We both laughed. "We can change her over." "I don't want her tummy to get upset. She's sleeping through the night do you want to go through what we went through with EB? Waking up every 2 hours to feed her in the night?" "No." "Then I'll keep being a human milk machine... I feel bad for our animals." "If you pump I can help with her feeds in the morning." "That could be helpful actually, it would mean I could actually get a workout done." She highlighted. "Or you could sleep?" I suggested. "I sleep." "Yeah, at night when we're alone." I way letting go of one of her hands and tracing her thigh. As I turned to face her to capture her lips one of the girls started crying. We both flopped our heads back. "Will we ever have uninterrupted sex again?" I asked. "When they 18 and we're all old and gross." She says getting out of the bath and wrapping her robe around herself. "Which one is it?" She asked I was at the counter. "Guess." "EB?" "Yep." "Muma." She moaned. "I got it." She left me in the bathroom. I watched as she went in and settled EB quickly singing to her getting her to lay back down. Every time Lottie tried to leave EB would sit up again. I go in to take over so Lottie could change into some clothes.

EB is our worst sleeper. She wakes up crying, she won't settle back down. We sometimes let her in our bed if it's a really rough night not wanting to wake either of the girls up. Lottie comes back in once she's dressed. "How is she?" She whispered sitting beside me on the floor by her bed. "Getting there." I mumbled back now tired myself. She pattered her lap so I rested my head on it now laying down her long fingers ran through my short blonde hair making me relax instantly. "You'll make me sleep." I mumbled to her. "That's the plan." She said. "I've got her. Just sleep." She mumbled resting her head aginst the bed post.


I woke up in my bed surrunded by childrens feet. "What the-" I cut myself off. "Morning." Lottie said I looked across our large bed to see her feeding Noa. "What happened?" I asked moving EB's tiny feet from my back. "EB settled we came to bed then she woke up so I brought her in with us. Rose had a nightmare so she got in." She explained. "Fun night then." "I'm exhausted... could you have Noa whilst I take a nap?" "Of course baby." I would have pecked her head if I was closer and there wasn't a foot in my ribcage, thanks for that Rose.

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