9: Mistakes

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I was in my trailer getting changed after my scenes when Scarlett came in in an extremely emotional state. "Scar?" I looked at her concerned. "I lost her." She sobbed, I wrapped my arms around her and she tucked under my chin being the perfect size for comforting.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her pulling away slightly to look at her. She looked like she hasn't been sleeping. "Lottie... I lost her." I pulled her back into my chest pecking the top of her head. "What happened?" "They're dating. Like not just one date. They were kissing and dancing when we went out at the weekend and I lost her. I completely lost her. I pushed her away and it's all my fault." She rambled on.

I warned her this would happen. And I warned her that if she wasn't honest with herself and with Lottie someone else would be. Given I didn't think it would happen so fast, I thought maybe a few months. I mean I knew Lizzie was crushing on her... I guess everyone who's single on set was crushing on her, she was amazing. But she moves fast for a shy girl.

"I should have told her. I need her." She kept going. I didn't know what to say to make her feel better, I didn't know how to make her feel better. "I need her Chris... She made me feel safe, and like I was worth something. Like I was wanted." "Scar you're wanted." "Not by her, I'm not." "Yes, you are. You are wanted... Do I have to go get her?" "She's with Lizzie, she wouldn't come." She said pushing me away.

"She'd be here in a second, you know it." I tried. "She doesn't want me! I wasn't good enough for her. I didn't- I ruined it. I lost her. And now I have to watch her with someone. And she looks so happy. They both do and Lizzie isn't so anxious and they're good together. And I ruined it. I ruined it- Where are you going?" I closed the trailer door and jogged around the trailers looking for Lottie. She was outside with Lizzie, they were saying goodbye.

"I need you," I tell her. "One second." She said turning back to talk to Lizzie. "It's Scarlett," I say looking at her, she turned around and scanned me. "Go, I'll see you tonight." Lizzie pecked her cheek before leaving. We made pace back to my trailer and Scarlett saw me first. "Where the hell did you-" "What's wrong?" Lottie said moving around me to hold Scarlett. I knew she'd be here, the second she registered that it was Scarlett who needed her she came.

"Talk to me?" She asked Scarlett who wouldn't stop crying. "What happened to her?" She looked at me for answers. "I don't know." I lied. "Let's sit down." She lead her to the sofa and sat with her, wiping her tears as they fell. "Scarlett, you need to talk to me?" "I'm just tired. I'm so tired." She says.

"Let's get you home," Lottie said simply. "Get you something to eat and get some rest and you'll feel better." Scarlett nodded taking steady even breaths. Lottie still had scenes to film. "I can take her." I offer. "Can you just talk to James? I'll stay late tomorrow." She took her hoodie off revealing just her tank top under it and then she handed her hoodie to Scarlett. "Come on... Let's get you home."

I watched her take her out, I walked them to Lottie's car. She locked Scarlett in. "What happened?" "She made a mistake," I tell her vaguely. "What mistake?" She asked with a frown. "Not my place." "I need to know so I can take care of her." "Just you being there will make her feel better," I assured her. She chewed her lip. "Did he hurt her?" "No... No, I've been going to their drop off and pickups with Rose. He doesn't even get out of the car anymore." She nodded.

"I'll call you... I just need to get her to sleep." "Yeah... I'll talk to James for you." She nodded getting in her car I watch them drive away.



"I'm sorry," I say to Lizzie on the phone. "She needs me." "I totally get it. We can go to dinner anytime." I nodded. "I'll make it up to you. I promise." "I know you will." "I'll bring breakfast for you tomorrow okay." "You're off tomorrow." "I've missed 3 hours today so I'll need to make up for it at some point." "You need rest you've not stopped in days." "Don't worry about me okay," I tell her.

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