47: The Vows

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I was standing around the right side of the barn with Scarlett, we were trying to keep her dress off the mud. "Hunter quit it." She scolded as he kept fake kicking it. She looked away for a moment and then a frown spread across her face. I looked to where she was looking. "No, Absolutely not." She said firmly. "What's wrong?" "That's Lottie's mum. She doesn't want her here." "Let me, don't get all worked up," I tell her going over to Vanessa, Lottie mum.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Please, I just want to see my baby... It's a big day for her." "Yeah, it is. And if she wanted you here she would have invited you." I tell her firmly. There was no way she was ruining this day. Not a chance. "Please." She begged. "I just want to see my baby." "She doesn't want you here," I tell her firmly. "How did you even know this was happening?" I asked. The girls have kept the wedding extremely private, there's a reason why it was on the farm and not at a venue... they didn't want any chance of anyone finding out where it was. Guest had been picked up from the hotel and driven here the address wasn't even given out. That's how private they were about it all.

"I saw her in a wedding dress shop... I just followed her around for a while." "You stalked your daughter?" "It's her wedding day. She's my baby." "But she's not." "CHRIS!" Scarlett called I looked at her, she was getting more and more agitated the longer she was here and I was worried she was going to physically remove her, herself. "I need you to leave. Now, or I will call the cops." "Please... Please, this is my-" Everything okay?" Robert? He should be with Lottie. "Yeah, she's just leaving." "I think that's for the best." "Does she know I'm here?" "No, Florence saw you... You need to go." "It's my daughter's wedding day." "Scarlett. Scarlett gets back here." Her dad called to her. Lottie would be able to hear the commotion unless they were acting like children which wouldn't surprise me. "Leave. Now! Because you do not ruin another day for her. Not her wedding day. You're not doing that. So walk away now. Before she sees you." Scarlett told her firmly. "NOW!" "Scar?" Lottie called. "I'm good! Hunter's being an ass!" She called back. "Leave." Vanessa turned around and took a few paces before pausing and turning back to us, I was gathering Scar's dress up. "Can you tell her I'm clean? A year now." Scarlett nodded. "Congratulations." She said softly. "Come on..." We all go back to our positions and then Scarlett was called in. The bridesmaids were mixed gender, but we all had a pair and Rose led the way. I was with Flo, Hunter was with Tammy and Tom was with Brie. Scarlett would follow us with her father. And then Lottie would enter with Robert.

We stood at the end waiting for Lottie to come in, when she did she looked breathtaking. Rose was right, she did look like a princess. They both did. They were an incredibly hot couple. If only they could have babies, that would be something.

Robert looked rather emotional as he walked her down the aisle. "Scar... turn around," Hunter whispered to her, she was still facing away. "I'm scared." She whispered back. "You're going to want to see this." Hunter encouraged. She slowly turned around, you saw her gasp and her eye well up. "Wow." She said. She arrived at the end and Robert pecked her cheek before going to Susan and waiting to be told to sit. Lottie handed her flowers to Tom who was her maid of Honour, it was sweet that the two of them had chosen their brothers to fill this role.

They went through the ceremony and we all listened and watched observing them. Their eyes didn't leave each other not even for a second.

"I believe you have both prepared your own vows for today. So Scarlett would you like to begin?" "The day I met you I knew you were special... There was something intriguing behind those eyes of yours and I wanted to know more. Although it wasn't love at first sight we can both admit to having a special connection from that moment. I saw your walls you had built so high refusing to let anyone in. Let me just say it wasn't an easy task but I think I finally made it over those walls of yours." Lottie blinked a few times already getting tearful. "There's never been a moment I haven't felt safe in your arms, when they're around me I feel like I can take on the world because you're right there protecting me." She takes a breath. "You met my daughter less than 12 hours after meeting me and promised her that you'd be at her birthday party in two weeks. You moved mountains to be there and be 'princess Anna' for her before even knowing us. You've loved Rose with all of you, you never complain when I put her first, in fact, she became a priority in your life too... You told me that she's my number one which makes her your number one too and I never forgot that. It meant the world to me. Finding someone as amazing as you are is rare, with a kind heart open enough for me and Rose." Scar wiped her tears that had fallen. "You make promises and I'm not fearful of you ever breaking them. I know you'll fulfil every promise you have made us. That is why today Charlotte Dove Kloss I want to make you a promise. A promise that I will stand by for the rest of my life. I promise to never leave your side, to always support you through everything. I promise to love you with all I have and I promise to stay even when things aren't perfect because although we're in movies life isn't a movie and it's not always easy. Though loving you is the easiest thing I have ever done." She tells her. "Lottie I promise to be your person for as long as we both shall live." She concluded. "Charlotte?" She took a shaky breath adjusting her grip on Scar's hand, when she let go briefly you could see it shaking slightly.

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