19: Eddie's Birthday

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We had a good week in England and then we went home and things felt different again. Lottie was acting the same as me. Friendly, flirty, cuddly. But she was also talking to Lizzie. More than she was before we left. Not to mention the fact that she's now very drunk at the cast party that Hemsworth threw for us all and she's dancing with Seb. Who's not exactly sober himself. And that type of dancing is only going to lead to one thing and that's- Kissing. And now it's officially a mess.

Lizzie, Florence and I sit at a table all of us watching them. She pulled away from the kiss smiling. It was strange seeing her with a boy. I know she's dated them in the past but I've only ever really seen her with Lizzie. And they looked so perfect for each other that I didn't think of her with a boy after that. Especially because Lottie is so protective. Seb pushed her hair from her face and whispered something in her ear.

Lizzie hit her head against the table. "Can one of you go over there and stop it?" She asked looking at Florence and me. "What do you care?" "I still care about her. You know as well as anyone it's a mistake." She said looking at Florence. "Please just stop her, it's not what she wants." "How would you know? Maybe she just wants casual sex." "Because she's not the type." Florence laughed and looked away from Lizzie. "Can you go over there?" She asked Florence again. "This isn't any easier for me. So no I will not go over there." Florence said looking back at the couple dancing.

Seb kissed down her neck before Lottie, pulled him back up to meet her lips. This is going to escalate so quickly. "Scarlett, please. I know you hate me but. Please." "Nope. Not getting involved." I say holding my hands up. There's no way I'm going over there and being part of that mess.

"You guys look like you're plotting Seb's death," Evans said sitting beside me. "Considering it," Florence mumbled but I heard her. "Just let her have fun." Evans defended. "It's Eddie's birthday today," Florence said. "She's been drinking for two all night. I'm surprised she's still standing." Now that explains some of her behaviour. The recklessness, the drinking it must be hard for her. His first birthday where he wasn't here.

"I'm going over there." "Lizzie don't." "I'm not sitting back letting her make a mistake." She stood up and walked over there. I hid. "She's listening to her," Evans said shocked. "She's bringing her over." He informed Flo and me.

"Hi, guys look who I found," Lizzie said sitting her beside her. "It's me," Lottie said in an over-excited voice her eyes would roll back occasionally, it was worrying but she was holding herself up fine. I smiled at her and she gave me a cheesy grin back. "Do you want some water?" Florence asked her. "No." She shook her head. "Let's do shots." She said standing up. "In a second okay, let's just sit for a minute," Lizzie said pulling her back down.

"Evans?" She pouted. "Will you do shots with me?" Evans looked at me like he was asking for permission. "Sweeties, no ones doing shots with you?" Lizzie told her calmly. "You're all boring." She said in a huff like a child. I tried not to laugh at her.

"I'll take her home," Florence said. "No," Lottie told her looked at her like she was out of her mind. "You need rest and water and you're not going to get that here. I'm taking you home." "You can't ignore me for two weeks and then want to look after me. I'll take myself home." "Don't think that's a good idea either." "Well," She shrugged. She was so animated in her expressions when she was drunk, I guess it was her nature from doing musical theatre for her entire life. Her face kept making me laugh but I knew better than to laugh. I had to try really hard.

Evans was laughing behind his drink. "You said if I needed space you'd give me it." "I didn't think you'd just ignore my enter existence! I thought you'd talk to me first at least." She said leaning forward on the table.

"I'm not sitting here." She goes to leave but Lizzie was already holding her. She whispered something in her ear. "Yeah, your track record isn't too great either love." She said I hid behind my hands. "I still care about you." "This just turned into a very complicated love triangle," Chris says in my ear and I nodded. "And you're involved." "Nope, not tonight I'm not." "I saw the way you were looking at her when she was dancing. You were jealous." I didn't reply. "Admit it, Scarlett, your feelings for her haven't gone anywhere... You're jealous of Lizzie right now too. The way she's holding her. You're not even listening to what they're saying. You're so hyper-focused on her arm around her waist that it's just noise to you." "Shut up," I told her.

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