54: Noa Kloss

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My wife was coming back slowly but surely. As the little life grew inside of her she grew back into herself. She had more good days than bad. I had no boundaries when it came to touching her anymore, she was happy for whatever I wanted. Of course, I couldn't do everything I wanted to with her being pregnant but it was nice to be able to lessen the craving.

We were right at the end of her pregnancy now, I got more nervous we would truly know if this baby was going to remind us of that night forever. We didn't find out the gender. So we got creative when it came to decorating the nursery using gender-neutral colours. EB was more clingy to her muma now, I guess getting jealous. But Lottie was always good at giving her the attention she wanted even when she was tired herself.

Robert was staying with us in case she went into labour in the night, or in general because we couldn't really take EB into the delivery suite as much as we'd want to. Rose was back at school but she came home most weekends, she also was more clingy to Lottie but again Lottie gave her the attention she needed. Always answering the phone to her when she called no matter what she was doing at the time and when she was home at the weekend she made sure to spend one on one time with her in the stables... Rose understood that Lottie got tired quickly right now being heavily pregant... Like seriously she was due any day now.


"How are you feeling?" Robert asked Lottie, she was laid on the sofa with her eyes closed breathing deeply, she was having contractions. She was a week over due and they came on so suddenly. One minute she was in the kitchen doing messy ply with EB and I was in the shop. Robert called me and I came rushing over. Her waters had broke all over the kitchen and EB was screaming. When I got here he had got her to the sofa. "It's passing." She said relieved sitting up and reaching for her crying daughter. "Muma." She sniffled. "Muma's okay baby." She assured our one year old brushing her blonde hair off her face.

"You ready?" I asked her. She picked EB's head again. She hated leaving her, though this time she literally had no choice. Robert coaxed EB distracting her. We reeled off a list of information as we went out the door to Susan about EB. bathtime, her song, her bottle time everything we could think of.

I helped Lottie in the car and she gripped my arm before I could go to my side. "Breathe through it." I coached her, her grip loosened but the pain didn't subside, I stayed with her until it past. "That's every 5 minutes." I noted. "What does that mean?" She asked as I got in the car. "It means... We have to drive this hour journey quickly." I say with a calm smile though I was freaking out. "No... No... I'm not having this baby in the car." "You won't, you won't." I asusred her. 2-3 minutes is when I'm going to start worrying.

I just hope it being her first that the process is slower... I was in labour with Rose for 11 hours. We drove to the hospital timing her contractions she was noting them down when they past and I was trying to be as supportive as i could whilst concerntrating on the road which was kind of hard when your baby was coming out of your wife.

"Scar pull over. Pull over." She told me gripping her seat for some soft of relief from the pain. I pulled over where I could and she grabbed my hand. "FUCK! You didn't tell me it hurt this fucking bad. My fucking God. FUCK!" She said, I held back my laughter at her reaction. "Don't fucking laugh."She warned me, she doesn't swear often and when she does it always amuses me with her accent it just sounds so posh. A minute passed and her body was relaxing again. "I'm sorry." She chuckled. "It's fine, you was there when I was having EB." I think I told her I hated her like 20 times during the labour with EB. I threw my pillow at her. I screamed at the nurse for drugs anything to make the pain stop. She's been rather tamed compared to that. "So we're at every 2-3 minutes." I informed her. "We're like 10 minutes away fromt he hospitial." She nodded still taking deep breaths. She rubbed her bumb. "Okay, you hear mummy? We nearly there. So you're going to stay in there until we get there... Deal? Deal." She spoke to the baby. I smiled admiring her before pulling off and driving the short distance to the hospital.

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