32: Hawaii Day One

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Rose and I were waiting in the hut. Rose was so excited, alls she's done since I picked her up is talk about her mum. She made her a card on the plane, I told her I brought her a card but she insisted to make one. It was a fun activity that let an hour pass on the long flight out here. She was actually really good. She got a little bored in the middle of the flight so we played a few games on the Ipad together and then she took a nap with me. We made Scar a birthday card she did a little school work and then we landed.

Chris just messaged saying they were being escorted to the room. I was excited to see her reaction. She had missed Rose a lot, she hadn't been able to get back to London to visit for longer than a day at a time which is just a lot of stress when it came to finding flights. I had been to visit Rose so she knew she was okay but she wanted to see her daughter.

"Where is she?" Rose asked me getting impatient about waiting. "Shh," I say crouching down to her height when I heard Chris, Paul and Brie getting closer. I put my arm around her waist and started filming on my phone. "Ready?" "Ready," Rose whispered back, the door opened. "Surprise!" All cheered. "Oh my gosh! My baby!" She picked Rose up straight away hugging her tightly, she was crying with happiness. I stood up and she pulled me into a hug too. "Sneaky." She told me. "You really thought we'd miss your birthday?" I asked pulling away.

"You're all liars!" She said turning to look at every one. "She complained the whole flight here!" Chris told me. "Oh really?" "All aimed at you." I chuckled. "I was mad at you." Scar pouted. "Well, you can stop being mad at me now," I say with a smile. I knew she was annoyed that I was away for her birthday. I've literally not been busy with work since before summer so she was annoyed that it happened to fall on her birthday. "I feel awful now." "It's fine." "I've been so horrible the past few days." "You have been awful to live with but I'll allow it," I tell her pecking her cheek.

"Can we go to the beach now? Can we? Lottie can we?" Rose asked excitedly. "I think someone wants to go to the beach." Brie giggled. "I do!" Rose said wriggling. "I'm already wearing ym bathing suit! Can I go with Lottie Mummy?" She asked holding my hand and looking at her mum. "You've not seen me in three weeks and you still want to hang out with her over me?" Scar asked teasing her. "She's better than you." My jaw dropped. "Don't" She warned me when she saw I was trying not to laugh. "I'm kidding. But can you like hurry and change? I want to go to the beach." She said. "We're staying on the beach." "Exactly and we're inside. Who does that?" "Let me change and shower and everyone else too okay." She sighed and put her hand on her hip. "Missed you too honey," Scarlett called when Rose walked away to her bedroom to go find something to do whilst she waited.

"We're going to go to our rooms," Paul said taking his case. "Meet at the beach in 30?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll let the rest of them know." "The rest of them? Scar asked and I smiled. "We're celebrating you this week, you think the others wouldn't want in on that?" I asked her smile grew. "See you guys soon."

Our door closed and she hugged me kissing me slowly. "What did I do to deserve you?" She asked looking at me. I kissed her you was yourself. You have deserved this all along. I was just too dumb to see that." "I was a lot though." She says giggling. "I mean it definitely caused some arguments but I wouldn't change anything about you." "Not even my neediness?" "One of my favourite things about you." "Really?" "I like being needed," I say giggling. "Will you go shower and get ready before your daughter escapes?" "Yes... Join me?" "Someone has to watch the 8-year-old." "Right." "Not home now babe." "No, we're in paradise." I showed her to our room. "I'll unpack for you whilst you shower." "Thanks." I knew she hated living out of a suitcase so it would save more time if I did this whilst she got ready for the day.

"Is mummy ready yet?" "Nope, she's showering, she won't belong." She sighed. "I no it's been a lot of waiting, but we'll have fun straight away, the minute we step on the sand." She smiled. "Will you swim with me?" "Of course. You, me and Uncle Chris okay." She beamed. "You know mummy won't get her hair wet." "She might... Why don't you pick out a swimsuit for muma, whilst I finish hanging her dresses up." Rose tilted her head. "Isn't that your dress?" She asked. "Yeah but your mother likes to borrow my clothes." "She does that a lot." "Yeah, she does." For a child to notice that she steals my clothes just shows how often Miss Johansson does it. She always looks better in my clothes anyway, she has a better body. I was built like a ballerina or a cereal box. She had the perfect body, with all the curves that make clothes look so good on her.

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