12: Situation-Ship

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Christmas break was just what everyone needed, two weeks doing nothing but being around family and friends... And Exes.

Lottie and I may have rekindled a part of our past relationship. What can I say? She's good in bed and our sexual chemistry is at a high all the time. She walked out of her bathroom in her underwear. "Morning," I smirked at her. "Morning." She smiled back, gosh that smile of hers kills me.

"I'm going to head down to the farm and then we can go pack." She tells me. "I never want to leave this place," I said laying back on the bed. It defiantly wasn't as comfortable as our beds back home, it was older but it had memories on it. My first time was in this room... it was an experience.

"I'll come help," I say getting out from under the covers. My family stays for Christmas with Lottie's it started when we were 11 and then it became a tradition. I and my siblings help out on the farm and in turn, we got riding lessons. Lottie was already a pro so I would go out with her at the start and eventually, I learnt to take my own horse out and Lottie would take my younger sister with her. She's always been good with kids even when she was one herself.

We haven't spoken about LA once since being here. No Lizzie or Paul, no Vanessa, No work nothing it's been pure relaxation and fun time. Walking a farm is fun, ever had a mud fight at 6 am? You should.

"Okay, I'll go get Raffie and Toby up. They can do egg collection." She says pulling on clothes. "Okay." She goes to leave, she gets ready real fast on the farm it's like she knows there's shit to do. And she wants to beat her Grandpa to do it, he has to do it when she's away and I know she feels so guilty. "HEY!" I called her and she turned to look at me, I pouted my lips. "You're a loser." She chuckled coming over to me and pecking my lips.

"I'll see you by the stables." She left and I got dressed as quickly as I could. I left yesterdays braids in. I can't believe this is our last day, I hated leaving home. Yes, home this might as well be my home. My things have always been here, my school books were still sat on the shelf by her desk.

I go downstairs and see my siblings slowly putting their wellingtons on half asleep. Raffie was still in her PJ's which made me smile. "I love this place." She mumbles. "Me too," I say slightly more awake. I mean the first thing I saw was Lottie's jaw-dropping body in black lacy underwear, it's a good way to start your day.

"I'll be sad to leave." She said standing up straight. "It's always sad to leave... But Charles said you could come and visit anytime." Toby reminded her. We make it outside and I wrap my coat around me tighter the cold winds biting at my cheeks. "I'll meet you back in the house for a tea!" I called running to the stables to get shielded from the wind.

"You made it." She greeted. "I wasn't that long." I defended. "Yeah, yeah." She waved me off, I picked the shovel and got to work. Once it was clean in here we hosed it down and then laid fresh hey, well Lottie moved it around for me I couldn't pick them up, they were heavy. Don't judge me.

The horses were taken care of after we brushed them and changed their winter coats. Lottie thinks they need a different one every day so they don't get bored of what they're wearing. I just laughed at her comment but she's been the same since she was 11.

We went to the cows and milked them. We did the Goats too, Lottie put the milk away ready to be put through this machine which gets the impurities out of it... We weren't allowed to touch the machine so we just put the milk away. Then we feed them, spoke with them for a bit. I got Bella, one of the cows, on my insta story. Lottie was in the background hugging, I think it was Jasmine... They were all named after Disney princesses. Charles let us name them and of course, us being the children we were at the grown age of 18 we chose Disney princesses. We weren't allowed to go into the livestock room because one time we got emotional about our favourite cow being slaughtered and it was a whole thing but Lottie went in anyway and feed them.

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