53: Settling In

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I felt better being home. In my actual home in England where I knew I was safe. And my girls were all safe and happy. I held EB showing her around the farm she loved the animals getting excited and making grabby hands at them. I let her pet the baby goat that was inside the barn.

Rose was in the stables and Scarlett was inside unpacking. After staying with Robert for two months we decided it was time to come home. Rose was thrilled about it. It meant she could come home to us every weekend so we'd get to see her more. I was happy obviously. And Scarlett was just glad to see us smile I think. Rose had been shaken up by the whole situation. She heard things her dad was in her room. She had to call the police. She saw the marks for weeks after.

I was glad to have my body back. No more marks bruises or cuts. When I looked in the mirror it wasn't the first thing I saw or thought about. The whole ordeal was very much still in the front of my brain. Every silent moment I have it's on replay in my head. Lucky for me I have the cutest little girl to keep me busy for most of the day.

"Muma?" I hear Rose call I go out the barn doors looking for her. "Rose?" I called back she came running over. "I thought you left me." "I would never." I brought her inside where it was warmer. "Dog." EB says. Rose chuckled. "It's a Goat EB, can you say Goat?" EB shook her head like crazy.

"This is nice." Scarlett says. The fire was on in the family room and we had a movie on the girls were asleep on the other sofa covering in blankets and we were cuddled together. I nodded looking from the girls and to my amazing supportive wife. She's been so good to me the past two months. She always is but she's really been there for me and I couldn't be more thankful for her. She's been so understanding and accommodating. Some night I want to hold her have her close. Other nights I don't even want to be in the same bed as her. She's not complained once.

"You seem calmer." She noted. "Always do here." I say snuggling further into her embrace. She brushed her hand through my hair. "Please don't." I asked her taking the ends of my hair out of her hands. She pecked my head instead I haven't told her anything that actually went down. Thirty minutes of fighting and being thrown around and- I just didn't want to put that all on her. My hair was something I didn't like her touching. Being dragged down the hall by your hair into a bedroom isn't the nicest memory. "We should take the girls up." I say, sitting up and taking the blanket off my body. She held my wrist. "We could leave them here for a while... just cuddle with me?" "In bed." I tell her scooping Rose up. "Hmm?" Rose mumbled. "It's Muma, it's okay." I tell her she wrapped her arms arm around my neck and I supported her the rest of the way.

I laid her in her bed and tucked her in, she cuddled to her teddy, Ronnie, she's had it since she was young. "Night baby." "Night Muma." I pecked her cheek after brushing her hair off her face. "Sleep well my little, love bug." I switched her night light on before I left turning off the main light, she still didn't like sleeping in the dark, more so now than before.

I went to our room, Scarlett was already in our bed. "Did we turn the fire off?" "I did yeah." I nodded climbing in bed. "Come here?" I asked holding my arms open she didn't hesitate to lay her head on my chest, I wrapped one of my arms around her and the other left me to run my fingers through her hair, it helped her sleep and relax.



I woke up without Lottie beside me, which was pretty normal for a morning on the farm. What wasn't normal was her throwing up in the bathroom. "Lottie?" I called out as I stretched before getting out of bed.

She was sat on the floor with her head rested on the toilet seat. She looked so pale. "Baby?" "I'm fine." She assured trying to smile. I sat beside her. "Are you sure?" She went to talk before turning quickly so her vomit would go into the toilet bowl and not on me or herself. I held her hair back before she took it from me quickly. She hasn't let me touch her hair much since her attack, I tried to remember but it was just such a natural thing for me to do. I was always playing with her hair, it used to calm her and now it brings her pain.

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