40: The Oscars

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Walking the red carpet at the Oscars was a surreal experience. I was overwhelmed with the support from fans and the press and other actors. And my amazing girlfriend. We stayed by each others side for most of the evening. Only going apart for single photos.

I heard Scarlett whining. "Where's Lottie?" She said in a cute baby voice. I looked over in her direction to see her looking for me. I was talking to some fans. I see Robert point me out and I waved at her she smiled widely at me showing all her teeth and I laughed before blowing her a kiss. I signed a few more of the fans pictures and took a few photos before being moved along. "Thank you for the support guys it means the world," I say as I was being ushered away by security.

"I lost you." "I was 10 ft away from you. You were fine." I tell her hooking my arm back in hers. Someone adjusted the trains of our dresses before we were led down another red carpet for photos and interviews. Most of it has been about the rivalry the nominations had caused for us. But we popped that bubble admitting to being supportive of each other.

We both would joke at home about who was going to win and tease each other but I knew she'd win. She was an amazing actress and I couldn't imagine anyone In the category beating her. She's won the award before too so everyone knew who was going to be called up. I was flattered to even be put in the same category as her.

"I'm starving," I complained. Scarlett laughed at me. "I told you to eat before we left." "You try and eat in a corset that's cutting off your oxygen," I tell her being my dramatic self. My dress was tied slight too tight, it was manageable but not ideal. Hey, at least I looked snatched! "You're so dramatic." Scar laughed at me. "Says the one who thought they lost me when I was 10 feet away from you." I laughed with her.

We walked through and did a few more interviews asking us about our work and the award, our relationship. Christmas, New Year. A lot of them were focused on our relationship, we tried to refocus the conversation into the film but interviewers are very nosey. And they want to know everything!

"So are you two living together now? Or are you still at Roberts?" I look at Scarlett who is already looking at me. We have a conversation without talking and then end up laughing. "Um, yeah. We recently purchased a house." Scarlett says looking away from me, I admire her for a second longer before looking back. "How's that process been?" "It's been easy for me. Lottie has dealt with it." I nodded. "So are you like... um, do you wear the trousers in the relationship. Dealing with the house and like man things." "No." I chuckled. "I wouldn't say either of us wear the trousers or take on the 'male' role in the relationship. I think we're pretty even." I look at Scar and she nodded. "I wouldn't say there was a man and women role anymore in relationships." "I agree. I think in today's society that has changed." I added to Scarlett's statement.

The interviewer nodded. "Who asked who out?" "No one... It just kind of happened." "Someone made the first move no?" We both smirked and looked down at the floor. "It was a mutual, impulsive thing," Scarlett said. "Impulsive?" We both nodded trying not to laugh. "Who kissed who first?" "You kissed me first," Scarlett says sure of it. What I wanted to say back as she was the one who followed me into the bathroom. But that's for our memories only. I nodded agreeing with Scarlett's statement. "Who caught feelings first?" I looked at Scarlett and smiled. 'I did." She admitted. "So it's a balance." We both nodded. "Any weddings on the horizon?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. We both went quiet and then frowned at each other. What was she planning? "Not for now no," I answered as it had been too long since the question was asked. "We're just establishing a proper home life with one another." Scarlett began. "Getting used to living with each other full time and we're super busy with our work projects there's just no time to pick out the rings." She joked.

We moved on after a few more questions. "What are you up to?" We both asked in unison before laughing. "You'll be Mrs Johansson." "No, You'll be Mrs Kloss," I tell her back firmly. "We'll just have to see." She told me as we walked into the hall to take our seats with the cast. We stood around for a while talking with the cast. We had all been separated to walk the carpet and some people who weren't nominated didn't walk the carpet and was here for support. Also, who would miss out on coming to the Oscars?

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