27: Distracted

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And we're back at work. I stayed an extra week in England to help with the renovations of the old pool house to make room for the new farmhands. I didn't want people in my pops' house it didn't feel right. It was our home. The farm was our home and if I let people in the house it just feels like it wouldn't be home anymore but it would because a place of work. And It was my home. It's going to be my family home one day. Where Scar and I's kids would run around and Rose too. So I had to keep it separate for now.

I was trying my hardest to stay focused on the questions being asked and the flow of the conversation from the cast. I had to keep pushing thoughts of the farm and my Pops' to the back of my mind. Scarlett was sitting on the other sofa with Brie and Lizzie and I was with Florence and Tom. Although Rose was happy we were together we just weren't ready to tell the world just yet. We weren't actively hiding it from the cast anymore. I think her coming to the funeral kind of gave it away but no one said anything. Or asked questions, they just looked sometimes when we'd be in the common rooms before interviews and she'd be cuddled up with me or when we'd whisper to each other they'd try and listen. I think a lot of them are confused because we're both flirty people and we're not acting much different to how we were when we were just friends. Which made me start to think about when my feelings started for her. Had I had them the whole time or did they develop slowly so I didn't notice the changes in my behaviour towards her. We've always been pretty comfortable around each other.

"Charlotte?" "Sorry, could you repeat the question?" I asked forcing a smile. "What are your plans for the future now that your grandpa is gone? I understand your family own a farm." "Um... I'd rather not talk about my personal life right now. I'm happy to answer any questions about the movie though." I smiled softly at her. "Yeah of course. Sorry. What was your favourite memory whilst on set?" She asked changing the subject quickly. "I have so many, but one that really stands out is when Tom and I were filming a scene together on the ropes and we reenacted the scene from the greatest showman with Zendaya and Zac Effron in between takes. It was pretty funny." I say chuckling and Tom agreed. "Do you have a lot of downtime between takes?" "A lot of 'down time' was spent hanging from the ceiling by a rope or being strapped to someone so there's not much you can do. But it was an amazing experience and I loved every second of it." I tell her.

"How was it being back with each other? You three attended high school together." "Yeah, we went to the boarding school. So it's been great to get that bond back." Tom says. "It's like we've never been apart from one another. We just fell back into being each other's annoying siblings." Florence said though I knew she didn't mean her words. "Definitely, we kept in contact as much as we could but we all have such busy schedules so it was nice to be on the same one for a while," I added.

"Have you guys worked with each other before?" "We were in a few musicals together when we were younger during our time at the school," Tom answered. "But this is our first movie together." He concluded. "Who have you bonded with the most? Because you were the only new cast member to join correct?" "Um." I looked off at the publicists to get an okay. She nodded. "I was the only new person to set yeah. But they're all so welcoming and it was easy to just make friendships. I'm pretty close with Robert. I lived with him for a while before the press tour." I admit. "She's the daughter I never had." He said ruffling my hair from his seat behind me. I looked up at him as I smoothed my hair out. "Anyone else?" She pushed. "Evans and I chill sometimes," I say. "Anyone else?" "Why don't you tell me who you think I've bonded with the most?" I asked amused. "Excuse me?" "You seemingly have someone in mind. Don't be shy?" I smiled I was amused not annoyed. "Well, You and Scarlett have filmed the second film together correct?" I nodded. "So you two would be close after being on two sets with one another." "Yeah Scar and I are close. We work well together and I think we have a lot of chemistry no matter what the assignment is. She's such an easy person to get on with and an incredible actress too so it's an honour to work with her." I say. "Scarlett how has it been working with a Westend star?" "Well, she sings and dances a lot." She said. "And there's not much going on upstairs." "Are you calling me dumb?" I asked shocked looking over at her. "No... no." She said and I laughed. "You just called me dumb. I was complimenting you and you called me dumb." I laughed. "That's it Johansson we're no longer friends." I joked. "You couldn't live without me." She shot right back. "It is you who is obsessed with me." I corrected her.

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