39: Media

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Robert Downey Jr and his wife Susan Downey have taken a getaway to the alps to celebrate the New Year. This is a contrast to the previous years where Downey has been responsible for the biggest parties for him and his friends and family.

Marvel star Robert Downey Jr has reportedly taken co-stars Tom Holland and Charlotte Kloss with him and his wife along with Kloss' Girlfriend Scarlett Johansson. They confirmed their relationship in the summer of this year by Kloss posting a photo of her girlfriend captioning it: "Get a girlfriend they said it would be fun they said". The relationship has furthered now the actress has tagged along on what seems to be a family holiday.

Downey has been quoted on multiple different occasions saying that Holland and Kloss are like his children he never had. He has taken the young actors under his wing even confirming. "The British kids live with me... They need rules. Their curfew is 11 pm." He joked. But it was later confirmed that both Tom and Charlotte have lived with Downey at different times. Kloss joined the cast only a year ago but she and Downey seem to have a strong bond.

Susan has also spoken out on the matter saying: "Robert adores Kloss-y, she's a ball of energy and brightens our day. She a pleasure to live with and to work with." "They're [Tom and Charlotte] Are the children we never had. I couldn't ask for better kids."

Now the self-proclaimed family are away on vacation celebrating the New Year together with the 'children's' respective partners, Zendaya has been rumoured to be in a relationship with Tom Holland, neither of them has confirmed this yet however with her taking this trip, it is all the confirmation the fans need. Holland is officially off the market.


3rd person POV

"You celebrated New Year with Tom and Charlotte from the cast of the latest Marvel film." Robert nodded. "How was that?" "It was great, they're my children... They really are and they both brought their partners who I am also friends with it was nice to have some time with them, and go into the new year with them." "This was very different from your previous New Years Celebrations. Why was that?" Robert shrugged looking at the interviewer on the Red Carpet. "I think... I think the big celebrations were filling a hole in my wife and I's lives. Filling time, and with the kids... Although not mine, they're mine. I own them they know it. They worship me. Do you blame them?" He joked trying to hide the sentiment behind what he was about to say. "With the kids now being in our lives that hole was somewhat filled and I wanted to have time with my family. With them both. And the way to do that was to get away for the week, ski, drinking, celebrating." The interviewer nodded.

"You and your wife have no children of your own." "We have a daughter, Ally. But she passed away a few years ago." Robert said, looking down before making eye contact again. "Would you say Tom and Charlotte came into your lives to fill that space?" "They needed someone. Both of them, they're not from the states it's scary. Their parents or guardians were home in England. I just wanted to be their support because I didn't have that growing up. I mean their actual families did the heavy lifting with them Susan and I just guided them in this industry. They're amazing kids... They're my family and always will be."


"Robert said in an interview just now when we were talking to him that the two of you are like his children." The interview paused to see the pair's reaction who both smiled and nodded listening. "Would you say he's a parental figure for you? Even as old as you are." Lottie laughed. "Firstly, not that old." She laughed and Tom agreed. "We mature really slow in England." He joked. "Um, yeah. Robert, I was star struck when I met him." Tom began. "And he really took me under his wing. I was away from my parents I was 20, he and Susan both stepped up." "And for you?" "Yeah, defiantly. He's been a big parental figure in my life from the first few weeks of meeting him." Lottie said. "Susan too, they've both been so gracious to us both." "Yeah, you lived with him, both of you." They nodded in unison. "Yeah, I was between places and he offered to take me in and then I just never left." Lottie joked. "And I was partying and not being sensible and he put me back on track." "What's one thing you learnt about Robert that the world may not know?" "Now that would be telling." Charlotte chuckled. But they both had the same thought in their heads, he's an amazing dad, an amazing role model and very sensitive but he hides it from the world.


"You and your girlfriend Lottie Kloss?" Scarlett listened to the next part of the question. "There's been break up rumours surfacing, is there any truth to that?" "babe?" Scarlett called and Lottie looked away from the interview she was currently doing. "You okay?" She asked concerned. "Are you breaking up with me?" Scarlett asked. "No?" Lottie said confused waking over. "Then I guess the rumours are false," Scarlett said turning back to the camera. "What are you on about?" Lottie asked her confused. "Rumours of the breakup." "Oh, first I'm hearing of it. I guess I should call the relater and withdraw from the paperwork." Lottie joked before pecking her cheek and going back to her interview she just abandoned. "Not true." "A relater? So your moving in together?" "Signed the paperwork whilst getting into our dresses," Scarlett said with a smile.

"How does your daughter feel about it all?" "Rose adores Lottie, they have a special bond and honestly sometimes I feel left out." Scarlett chuckled. "They're close then?" She nodded. "Inseparable sometimes. I have to bribe them to let me hang out with them." She joked. "Does Rose refer to her as her step-mum or?" "They call each other Besties... And that works for them and that's what Rose feels comfortable with and Lottie too so yeah." She smiled. She was keeping the fact that Rose sometimes slips up and calls Lottie Muma from the media knowing Colin would completely flip out. But Rose shouldn't feel bad for saying it. Lottie doesn't even react to it, she just continues to help Rose to answer her question without bringing attention to it. Scarlett loved hearing her say it because meant that she accepted Lottie in her life, in her mother's life and she was happy and comfortable. "That's sweet." "Yeah." Scarlett smiled.


"How does it feel to both be up for the same award tonight?" The interviewer asked Scarlett and Lottie. They looked at each other but Robert answered. "They've been at war." He joked. "We have not." They say in unison before giggling. "No, they've not, they've been very supportive of one another." Robert amends his statement. "We're both very proud of one another," Lottie says with a smile not taking her eyes off of Scarlett. "Especially of Lottie. It's her first film, and she's already being recognised. It's truly amazing!" Scarlett brags. Lottie Blushes and looks at the ground sheepishly. "It's in complete Charlotte fashion though," Robert says. "She's good at everything." "Okay enough," Lottie says moving the questions on.


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