36: Meet The Family

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"We're home." Rose sang skipping into our New York apartment. "Excuse the mess," Scarlett said. "Don't be silly." I should have got the maid to come over and dust the place before we came here. We're only here for the day until Hunter gets back from work.

Lottie was looking around getting to know the apartment. I haven't brought her here yet. Not even when we were doing the press tour. We stayed in the hotel with the rest of them. Though I wish I brought her here we could have had some privacy instead of people shouting and laughing or knocking on our door. Or just walking in like it was their room. In Florence's case, it was her room when we were in Lottie's so I couldn't get mad at her for it. But Everyone else, why? Why did they feel the need to just walk in?

I go to put the heating on and leave the girls to go do whatever they're doing right now. The place was freezing. A New York winter is just like England so Lottie was used to it. I wasn't. When I had finished that I went looking for my girls. Rose was passed out face pushing into her pillow on her bed. I take her coat off for her and tuck her into bed properly. I guess flying for 20 hours was enough to wipe anyone out. I sat with her for a few minutes running a hand through her perfect blonde curls before pecking her cheek and leaving her to rest.

I find Lottie in our room same position as Rose was. I chuckled she turned her head at least she isn't asleep yet. "I've turned the heat on it should be getting warm in here soon." She stuck a thumbs up. "Come nap with me." She said as she pulled off her coat. I followed suit and then climbed in next to her. "Hunter finished work at 6. He's going to come to pick us up." I tell her. She laid her head on my chest resting her hand on my tummy and settling down. "Alexa set an alarm for 6," she said clearly. "He finishes at 6," I say amused. "Yeah, and he has to get here that will give us time. We just got to put shoes on." She mumbled already falling asleep. Jet lag was hitting us all. "Night baby." I stroke her hair off her face. She didn't reply, I knew she was asleep from the way her lips parted.

The alarm woke me up and I nudged Lottie a little and she sat up and told Alexa to stop. I stayed laying down with my eyes closed. "Morning." "It's six in the afternoon," I mumbled back. "Morning somewhere." She said and I chuckled. "Your brothers texted you." She says putting my phone on my chest. "Reading my messages now?" "No, he texted me to tell you to answer him." She says getting out of bed completely, making it feel colder under the sheets. "Come back." I moaned. "I'm going to make a call." She looked annoyed I couldn't tell if it was because she was still tired or the call wasn't a call she wanted to make. I nodded understanding and she left the apartment.

I text Hunter back and then went to check on Rose who was still sleeping soundly. My baby. I left her sleeping and slipped her trainers on her feet that were sticking out of her blankets and slowly and carefully moved her so I could put her coat in too.

When she was ready I went and found my own shoes and coat. Lottie's were already missing from by the door. I mean she'd need shoes on her feet to go out there. I could hear her arguing she didn't sound happy at all which meant not good news. "No mum. I'm not." Mum? "I don't know what to tell you. I'm not giving you any more money. No not for that." I opened the door. She smiled at me. "I'll pay it. Yes. Okay. Now don't call my phone again." She hung up. "Everything okay?" She nodded. "Just Vanessa asking for money." She said coming back inside. "What for this time?" "Drugs I assume. But I agreed to pay her rent." I nodded. "As much as I hate her I don't want her living on the streets you know." She shrugged bending down placing her phone on the floor and tying my shoe laces. "Aww, you treat me like a Princess," I say teasing her. "Just practising for when you're heavily pregnant and can't tie them yourself." A big smile spread across my face. A stupid big goofy smile. She was still think about our babies. "I thought you were going to have the babies. You know I just watch you carry them." "Firstly. No. Secondly if you think I'm pushing anything out with these hips you're delusional." She laughed standing up. "So I have to." "You've done it once. What's the problem?" She snaked her arms around my waist pulling me close to her. "It hurt like a bitch." "You're not selling it to me." She said scrunching her face up. We haven't spoken about how we're going to do this. If we're going to find a surrogate or if one of us would carry them. Or adoption. We've not had that talk. I'd prefer one of us to carry them. And judging from this conversation that's what she wants too. Which made me happy. We just had to talk about who was carrying the baby. "You can eat whatever you want." I tried. "Do that anyway." She says with a shrug. She pecked my lips.

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