18: Welcome To The Farm

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"I wasn't expecting you pair until dinner...Wheres the little lady?" "She's at school. Remember I told you." "Yes." I smiled at my grandpa. "Take her to your room... The guest rooms are full of your brother's things." "Why?" I asked confused. "Well, the storage place is closing down so I just had it brought here."

I nodded and took Scarlett's case carrying both mine and hers up the stairs and into my childhood bedroom. "It's amazing here." "Wait until you go out to the farm it's even better," I tell her, putting the cases by the desk. She looked around at my photos and other things. "Florence's things are all over." She observed. "Yeah, she stayed here a lot when we were on break and things." She nodded going back to the photos.

"You actually wore the hat." "Only for photos. It was normally tied to my bag." I defended myself snatching the photo of Flo and me in our full uniforms from her and hiding it. "You look adorable." "Screw you, Johansson," I say shoving her.


Lottie disappeared leaving me in her room. I kept snooping around her room until she had been gone a long while so I ventured out. I saw the room across the corridor open. I go over to see if she was in there. She was holding a hoodie close to her.

"Lots?" She looked at me over her shoulder. "You okay?" "It's Eddies... Still smells like him." Her eyes were glassed over. "You can come in." I move around the boxes to her she sat on the clear corner of the bed.

"I wasn't expecting to be coming home to this." She whispered. "I wasn't ready." "That's okay... We don't have to go through it." She nodded. "We can go cuddle." I take her hand and she laid the hoodie back on top of a box. "I have a better idea." She said smiling. "Come on." She pulled me to her room and she got changed. "Horses?" "You can ride, right?" I nodded. "Here." She tossed me a pair of leggings and went into her closet.

"These should fit." She handed me a pair of riding boots. "Thanks." We went downstairs. "You going to take the horses out?" "Yeah Grandpa, do you need anything doing before we go?" She asked him. "No, do you girls need food?" "I'm good. Scarlett?" "I'm okay thank you, Mr Kloss." "Please call me Charles." I smiled and nodded.

"Stay away from Derek, Charlotte." "Yes Pop, Pop." She said before going out to the main farm. I took it all in, it was completely different to the cities I was used to. "I'll run you through everything in the morning." She tells me. "We get up at 6 so don't stay up all night talking to me you'll hate yourself in the morning." She warned.

We got to the stables and she climbed the fence then helped me over. "Now I get why you're so good at climbing on set." "Because I grew up climbing hay bales and fences." She says smiling pulling me along.

"This Luna. She's my horse." She introduced me. "This is Scarlett, she's my friend." Luna came over to her and she neighed and Lottie stroked her. "Come." She waved me over. I stood with her on the fence with her she took my hand and placed it on Luna's nose. "She likes you." She told me smiling.

"Come on I'll show you the rest of them." "The rest?" "I have 4 horses and Eddie has two and my grandpa has 2." "4 horses really? Why do you need that many?" "They're rescues... We used to have more but they're too much for Grandpa." I nodded understanding. "This is Hank... He's Eddie's." She told me. "Come here, boy." He came over. "He's beautiful." "Isn't he! We fought over him for weeks." He was a pure black horse, with a black mane and tail he was stunning.

We took Luna and Hank out, Lottie put saddles on them and helped me up. I haven't been riding since I was 13 so I was trying to get used to it again. She was holding my reigns as we went out leading me out. "You think you can handle it?" She asked offering me the reigns back. "Yeah." She leant towards me and I took them. "Behave, Luna." She said stroking her horse.

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