56: Big Preformance

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"You did amazing!" Lottie praised picking Rose up as she came from the stage door. "I'm so proud of you," I tell her cupping her face. She had a big bright smile on her lips she looked proud of herself. "Where's my amazing nice?" Chris said taking her from Lottie and hugging her. "You did so good!" He told her she was basking in the praises from the cast, a lot of us had come to see her. Chris, Seb, Mackie, Lizzie, Flo, Tom she was loving it getting all the praise and glory, though she deserved it. She was truly astonishing up there dancing and singing and acting.

"Told you she was born for the stage." Lottie said wrapping her arms around me from behind. "You're taking all credit for that?" "I mean yeah." I laughed at her. "No she's all you." She planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Excuse me?" A girl tugged at my hand I looked down. She looked to be around Rose's age. Rose looked annoyed from Chris' arm. "Please may I have a picture with you?" "Of course sweetie." I say. I pose for a few photos with some of the students and a few of the cast memebers got involved too. Lottie didn't she was giving all her attention to Rose as she was sulking about the attention not being on her.

I went over to her and praised her again and her smile came back and then her laughter started when Lottie and I smothered her with kisses leaving our different shades of lipstick all over her face. "Mummy." She said pushing our faces away. We were chuckling. "Stop with the sulking." I warned her puckering my lips thratening her with more kisses. "Okay, okay." She tells me holding my chin in her hand to stop me from moving. Lottie got one last kiss in on her cheek before Rose caught her chin too.

"Pefect photo." Chris said and we all looked at him. He showed us the photo. Rose looked stunning in her ballet costume perched on the side of the stage and Lottie and I's faces in her hand as she pouted our lips. I laughed at it. "I'm in control always... Remeber." She sassed pushing our faces away with a pat. "Oh really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. She shot me an innocent smile. "Love ya." She said before jumping down.


The first thing we did when we got home was sneaking into our girls rooms to check on them. We ignored Robert and Susan. How we're going to be away from them for a day and a bit next week I don't know.

I pecked their cheeks and snuck back downstairs to where our friends were. "The guest rooms are set up, you guys may have to double up because the guest house is occupied." I explained to them. "My room still free?" Florence asked looking past me and at Lottie who had her arms around my waist. "No... Noa's in there but the other guest rooms are just as welcoming." She offered sounding guilty. "Okay." Florence shifted a little. "Please keep it down when you go up because if you wake one of them you can stay up with them all night." Lottie warned them all.

Lizzie hadn't stayed here before nor has Mackie so we gave the two of them a quick tour. "What type of house needs two kitchens?" "This one." Lottie say's going into the wine fridge and pulling out Rosé her wine of choice. I got glasses and we poured everyone a drink.

"It's a beautiful place." Lizzie complimented resting her hand on Lottie arm. "Thanks." Sometimes when I see them together when they catch each others gaze I feel the jealous rise inside of me, knowing Lizzie had Lottie. "How amazing was Rose tonight?" Lottie gushed picking her glass up and bringing it to her lips taking a sip, we all praised her but my eyes were glued to Lizzie's hand on Lottie arms it was just laid there and then Lizzie's fingers began tracing shapes on her exposed skin. Lottie was having a conversation with Robert about Noa and EB getting the details of the evening with them and she paid no mind to it and Lizzie was talking with Florence and Tom it was like she wasn't aware of what she was doing.

Lizzie's eyes flicked over to me and of course I was already looking at her, I looked at Lottie's arm and she followed my gaze. Move your hand then. She looked back at me and smiled before going back to her conversation. Was she going to go back to Lizzie? Leave me for her again and then that would be it.

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