13: Cut Her Some Slack

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Everyone at work was being weird and I hated it. This is why you never date anyone you work with, no matter how beautiful and funny and charming they are. Now everyone was involved because they clearly know we're no longer together. I mean I've been on set for 4 hours and Lizzie and I have done everything to avoid each other. It was comical actually. One of us entered a room the other exited through the opposite door.

I was in the bathroom washing my hands and she came in to do the same. This fake blood sometimes stained so it was best to wash it off as quickly as possible. "Hi," I say not wanting to make work a hostile environment. "Hi." "I wanted to apologise," I say looking at her. She looked shocked. "For screaming at you, emotions were running high with my mum and I let that anger out on you and I'm sorry for that." I tell her looking at her so she knew I meant it. "I kind of deserved it." "No, no one deserves to be spoken to that way," I assured her.

"I'm sorry too. For hurting you." "I don't want to talk about it." "Well, we have to eventually." She tells me. "You broke my heart." "You slept with Florence to get back at me." "I didn't I just said that to hurt you. I knew it would because you were insecure about it when Flo and I would be alone, you'd ask so many questions I knew it would hurt you." "Oh." I nodded chewing my lip.

I dried my hands and went to leave but turned back she was already looking at me. "Why did you do it? What did I do?" I asked those questions that have been playing on my mind since I found out. What did I do to make her go to someone else? What was wrong with me? Because it's happened twice now and I'm the common factor so it had to be something.

"Nothing, you were perfect. The most caring and attentive person I have been with. I just... I guess I was just... I don't know." She says losing her words. "You're the first girl I had been with... and I was just scared that... I don't know." "You could have spoken to me... I would have understood. It's confusing I get it. I get confused all the time." I admit, being Bi isn't a walk in the park because when I'm with a girl I think maybe I'm gay and then when I'm with a guy I think it was just a phase I went through. It got confusing and I would have understood if she had just spoken to me.

"I'm sorry." "I'm going to be professional at work and at cast hangouts or whatever... but I'm not ready to forgive you yet." She nodded. She come over to me and hugged me, her perfume that I had memories invaded my senses and I felt warm for a second but then I remembered what she did and I wanted her off me but I had missed her so my arms wrapped around her and I pushed my face into the crook of her neck. "I missed you." She whispered. I didn't reply. I pulled away from the hug and we looked at each other.

"GIRLS! SET!" Was called followed by banging on the bathroom door. "We better go," I tell her backing away and making my way quickly back to the stage to reshoot the scene for the fourth time.

"You okay?" Tom asked me noticing Lizzie close behind me. "Fine," I say forcing a smile. "I'll tell her to stop talking to you." "No, it's fine, really Tom."


When the scene was finished I dragged Florence to my trailer as quickly as her legs would move. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned. I closed the door and locked it swiftly pushing her against it and pushing our lips together, she responded straight away and a smile spread across her lips, her hands went to my hair which was braided back currently but she tugged at it pulling me closer to her.

"I like this." "Good." I kissed down her neck undoing her costume as I did. And just as I got the zip down as she moaned as I sucked on her sweet spot my door knocked. "They'll go away." She tells me reattaching my lips to hers. They didn't go away. I sighed pulling away letting Florence move, I pulled her zip back up as she buckled her belt.

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