20: That's A Wrap

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"I feel like a child." She said laying on my sofa. "Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay." "They're worried." "I did a jump and Florence lectured me for 10 minutes." I laughed. "It's not funny Scar. I just want to go do something." "Well, you have two more weeks." "And filming finishes in two weeks too. Can't you let it slid for our scenes?" "What if something was to happen to you?" I asked her. "I feel fine. I went to a ballet class last night and nothing, I was completely fine."

"Lottie you're not meant to do that," I warned. "Please... It's just combat. And I know you like fighting with me." She teased. "Sure... But you're telling Robert so he can keep an eye on you after." She gave me a look. "Or I can stay with you and Robert doesn't need to know." "Deal." She smiled. "Thank you. You're like the only person that's not treating me like I'm going to die. I'm in the clear." "I know you are... I'm so glad you are. I was so worried."

"I was terrified." She admitted. "I thought I saw my dad." I nodded. "I thought I was already dead." "You miss him..." "Yeah. A lot." "Can I sleep in your bed? Lizzie and Flo take it in turns to check on me every 30 minutes and they wake me up." "Go for it." "You're the best. Please pretend you have no clue where I am unless set needs me or Robert." I nodded and let her go to bed.

I avoided questions about where Lottie was until Lizzie was getting really anxious. "She's in my trailer, sleeping. She's fine." "Her heart could just-"Her heart is completely fine. She's made a full recovery. Lizzie she just wants to sleep without being woken up." I explained to her. "She's okay," I told her again. She took a deep breath. "Can I go in there?" I looked at my trailer, I promised I'd let her sleep. "I'll check, my place is a mess. I had Rose here yesterday." She nodded and walked with me to the door.

I went in, my place wasn't messy, Rose is actually good at keeping the trailer tidy when she's here. I wish she would learn to do it at home too. But nope. I snuck into my bedroom in the trailer and she was sleeping hugging my pillow. I smiled. I moved her hair off her face so I could check she was breathing. She was fine. I kissed her cheek.

I was happy she was okay and I went to leave. "What time is it?" "I didn't mean to wake you." "It's okay." "It's 3." She sat up slowly rubbing her face. "Lizzie was worried." She sighed. "Hey it's because she cares." "I know I just. I wish she cared before she slept with Paul." I nodded. "I'm sorry." "You didn't do it." I shrugged.

"Scarlett, is she okay? Your trailer isn't even messy." "Oh, you're awake." Lottie looked defeated for a second before she smiled. "I'm awake and heading to hair and make-up." "Are you avoiding me?" 'Yeah." She said standing up and smoothing her clothes out. "What?"

"I'll give you guys a minute," I say backing out of the room I closed the door. I stayed in the trailer. I could still hear what was being said. "You're not making this easy for me Lizzie." "Making what easy?" "Moving on from you." "I can't move on from you either. I still care about you." "You slept with someone. When we were dating." She sounded like she was going to cry. "And it's the biggest mistake I've made." "You hid it from me. I was so committed to you that if you would have told me and spoke to me I would of... I would have forgiven you but you lied and accused my best friend of lying too." "I was scared of losing you." "If you was scared of losing me you wouldn't have done it in the first place. I would have been enough for you." "You are." "No, no I'm not Lizzie. You proved that." "Please just give me another chance." "I did, as my friend. And that's all I'm willing to do because I can't be let down again." "Baby please?" "Lizzie I want you to hear me when I say this." She spoke calmly "I need you to let me go. Let me move on." "Lottie." "Lizzie please. We have a few weeks left and we can both have the space we need to move on from this."

Lizzie came out. "You win." "What?" "This is what you wanted isn't it? You want her all to yourself. You want to be with her." She stepped closer to me. "You wormed your way into her life from the second you saw her. I saw the way you looked at her-" She was so close to me that I couldn't hear her words.

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