60: Twin Flames

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I walked into Scarlett's room, she was stable, completely fine, she had a broken arm, a large gash on her tummy and cuts on her head but she was going to be okay. She was going to be perfectly fine. Which meant I had to tell her that her wife whom she adored didn't make it up to the ward.

She looked at me scanning me as I took a seat beside her, I held her hand. Robert was with the girls on the kids ward, they were all okay too, EB had a broken leg, Rose had a concussion and Noa had bad brusing but was okay. Rose hadn't stopped crying about Lottie. Nothing anyone said to her comforted her, I mean she watched someone who had taken care of her and loved her through out her whole childhood pass away.

"What's happened?" She asked, clearly I hadn't hid the look of woe on my face too well. "Are the girls okay? Are they hurt? Oh my gosh!" "The girls are okay... EB has a broken leg, Rose has a mild concussion and Noa just a little brusied." She nodded releif washing over her for just a moment. "Lottie?" She asked panic instilled in her once again. I squeezed her hand and offered a small smile. "Where is she?" "Scarlett." "Where is she? You didn't say she was okay?" I couldn't find my voice or the right words to say. "You're scaring me." Her lip wobbled. "I'm so sorry." Was all I managed to say.

"No." She sobbed. "You're lying. She was okay. She carried me out of the car. I rememeber. I remeber her holding me. She stroked my cheek." She touched where Lottie's hand was once. "She kissed me." She grazed her lips with her finger tips. "She told me she love me! I didn't make it up. She was okay. She was walkign and talking. What happened?" She sobbed gripping onto my top.

"Scar breathe." I begged her she was sobbing so hard. I was glad I didn't have to say those words that she was gone out loud because then it would make it real. "What happened? What happened to her! Why didn't they save her?" She said, her monitors were going off because she was getting that worked up, the doctor came in. "What happened to her?" She asked him. He shifted slightly uncomfortble. "My Wife! What happened!" She demanded getting angry now.

"Miss Johansson." "Kloss. Mrs Kloss." She corrected firmly. "Mrs Kloss, please calm down." He says. "What happened to her?" She asked again still holding onto me like I would disappear, she gripped my top like she used to, she stopped doing that. When Lottie convinced her she wasn't leaving her but I guess she had gone now and Scar felt alone. "Your wife, she had some head truama that we didn't detect." "Why not?" "Because she wouldn't let our team examine her, she was tending to her children... When she got here she was talking to her dad and then the effects came over her." "What happened?" "Scarlett, you don't need to know the details." "What happened!" She said firmly. "She had a seizure because of a bleed on her brain, the stress on her body caused a strain on her heart which-"She has a bad heart." "We know... She went into cardic distress and we tried to revive her but it was no use." "No." She began to cry again. "She was okay. She was okay." "It's common for delayed effects of a brain bleed to happen. Esspecally when we've not had the chance to assess her." "You should have made her... You should have fixed her." "She was being a mum Scar." I tell her stroking her hair. "Don't." She moved her head off my chest. Lottie would always stroke her hair to comfort her i guess she didn't want to be reminded of that right now.

"Do the girls know?" She asked. "Rose does, she saw it... She tried to-" "I need to see them." She says trying to get out of bed. "Mrs Kloss you should really rest." The doctor tried. "At least let us get you a wheelchair." She agreed, I pushed her onto the ward and we could hear Rose from here.

"Mummy. Mummy she's gone. She's gone." She said seeing her mum coming into her room. I helped Scar onto Rose's bed. "I know baby. I'm sorry." She hugged her. "We need her. She promised." She kept crying. Lottie died at 2 this morning, it was now 8 in the morning and she hadn't stopped crying yet. She had been hooked up to a fulid IV as they feared that she would dehydrate from how much she was crying.

My Twin Flame | Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now