5: Princess Anna

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"You're staring." Evan's reminds me for the 6th time. "Why are you suddenly so obsessed with her?" "Suddenly?" I questioned and he chuckled. "Well, you were more chill about your little crush beforehand." "I don't have a crush." I defended myself. "You're practically burning holes in Lizzie's head, your friend might I add because she's touching her arm." "I'm not," I say looking at him.

"I'm just saying they went to mini-golf last night and breakfast this morning now she's hogging her at dinner too." He laughed at me. "Go sit with them." "No." "Why?" "Because I asked how her date was last night when she came over... and she didn't say it wasn't a date." "She calls everything a date... She and Flo are going to the movies tonight, she said it's a date." "But that wouldn't surprise me if it was an actual date... Have you seen those two together?" "They've been friends for years." He dismisses me.

"She's coming over." He says under his breath. "What?" I looked seeing Charlotte coming over with a plate of something in her hands. "Hey, Evan's." "Hey, Klossy... What you got there?" "Cake, for Scar... I promised didn't I?" She asked teasingly setting the cheesecake in front of me. "Lizzie is obsessed with it now too. I'm going to be sad to move into my apartment." "I was saying we'd have to just go to get dessert," Lizzie said appearing with a smile on her face. Her arm snaked around Lottie's waist.

"Yeah... We should." I say with a smile. "Lizzie and I are going to the gym to practice so enjoy," Lottie said. I grabbed her hand before she could walk away. "Are you coming over tonight?" I asked her looking up at her innocently, Lizzie was watching from a few steps away. "I'm going to the movie's with Flo...but you could come with me?" She offered. "What about after?" I asked with a smile. "I'll message you okay... I've not hung out with Flo in a while." She just spent a week with her in England...I keep a smile on my face. "Okay, thanks for the cake." "Of course." She smiled sweetly leaving with Lizzie, they begin giggling after taking a few steps.

"I don't have a crush." Evan's mocked me so I hit him in his chest. "You do have a crush on her." "I don't." I defended myself. "Are you coming over tonight?" He mocked me again making it sound overly flirty and desperate. "You will have no friends on set if you keep mocking me." "Thanks for the cake. I love you. Marry me. Have my babies." "We can't have babies." I correct him. "I mean there are many ways." I ignored him and ate the cake. It was just as good as all the times I've had it.



Florence and I were laughing loudly as we left the cinema, she almost fell down the stairs and we haven't stopped laughing about it since. "Gosh, I missed you." She says hooking her arm with mine. "How did you survive without me huh?" I teased. We were super close until we left the school and then we got busy but our bond was still the same as it was when we were growing up. We'd fall back right where we left off anytime we met up or saw each other again at Christmas.

"I drank a lot and was a complete disaster." "So what's changed?" "I change my clothes now... Got to impress you." She winked and I laughed at her. "Do you want to get a drink at the hotel? You can stay over." I tell her as we walk through LA. There were a few paps but it wasn't too much and they weren't getting too close. I still had Scar's dress on that I borrowed, it fits me really well actually. I really liked it.

"I would but I promised Tom I'd go meet him for wings at that place." She said forgetting the name. "That's cool." I smiled. "You should come." "No." "Why?" "I'm annoyed at Tom." "You're always annoyed at Tom it's like your guy's thing." "He thought I was going to hurt Scarlett, it's more than me being annoyed at him." I resort. "What?" She asked shocked. "Yeah. Scar and I were arguing? I don't even know if you would have called it that... But anyway he stepped in between us and was like is everything okay... blah blah. And he didn't deny trying to protect Scar when I said it... So yeah... I and Tom aren't friendly right now." "Then I won't force you to come but can you walk me there?" "Yes, I can." "Thank you. You're the best." She kissed my cheek. "Thanks for that," I say wiping her lipstick off my cheek. "You love it, now the world knows your mine." She joked. "You're a dweeb," I say pushing her slightly but she recoiled back to my side due to her arm being hooked with mine.

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